Managing renewals

Many of the courses you deliver on Breeio may require renewal annually, biennially or according to another period. For example, many compliance courses need to be repeated and refreshed every year.

Breeio makes it easy to manage the re-assignment and repeating of courses. The following describes some of the key terms and choices you will make as you set up your renewal course.

Renewal management

Renewals are managed in the Target dates and renewals section of the course details page:

Renewal scenario

Let’s say you want everyone to receive 'Digital information security' training every 12 months.

The course renews every 12 months. This is the “Validity period”.

From the date learners are first assigned, you want them to have access to the e-learning and have four (4) weeks to complete. This is the “Target completion” period. When courses have a face-to-face classroom element, you may want to give learners a slightly longer Target completion period so that they have time to book onto upcoming dates.

If each time the course is renewed you want to give the learner eight (8) weeks to complete it before their validity expires, then enter 8 weeks in the Target completion for renewals. (You will need to click on 'Set different target for renewals'). The course will be re-assigned eight (8) weeks before it would expire and the target date will be the date the validity expires.

Consider the scenario below...

Robert is assigned to the course on January 1st. He receives whatever the Target completion period is to complete the assignment. If this is four (4) weeks, his target date (i.e., deadline) will be 28th January, after which he will show as late in the reports. He can complete his training on any date, including dates after his target date.

Let’s say he completes on the 15th of January he’s now valid for 12 months, meaning on the 15th of January of the following year he needs to have completed the course again to remain valid. To give him time to achieve this, we ‘renew’ his assignment eight (8) weeks before this. He is therefore re-assigned on the 20th of November, giving him eight (8) weeks ‘target completion’ period to remain valid by the 15th of January.

In this example, Robert can complete his renewal at any point from the 20th of November onwards. This means that over time if he completes training as soon as it is assigned, the assignment and target dates may start drifting backwards in the year.

Managing renewals when people are marked as 'Away'

When someone is marked 'Away':

  • Any training they have not started gets removed
  • Training they’re currently doing stays as is

When the 'Away until' date is reached the 'away' status will be removed and:

  • Any canceled training will be reassigned.
  • If they’ve never done the training before, they’ll get the 'first time' target period.
  • If they’re renewing and the renewal date is still ahead, the target date will match that. Otherwise, they’ll also get the 'first time' target period.

You can review all your learners that have an 'Away until' date in the 'Away until user list' in 'Other reports'.

How to present different modules at renewal

By default, the same modules will be presented when a course is renewed, however, if you want to change the sequence of modules that are presented you can use our Repeat pattern feature.

There are a number of patterns to choose from:

  • Always – The module will be presented every time the course is assigned.
  • 1st time only - module will only be presented the first time the course is assigned to the learner – subsequent assignments/renewals of the course will not present this module to be completed.
  • 2nd time onwards – module will only be presented after the first completion – subsequent assignments/renewals will always present this module to be completed.
  • 3rd time onwards – module will only be presented after the first two completions – subsequent assignments/renewals will always present this module to be completed.
  • 2-step sequence ׀ first – module will be presented the first time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the third assignment/renewal.
  • 2-step sequence ׀ second – module will be presented the second time the course is assigned/renewed. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fourth assignment/renewal.
  • 3-step sequence ׀ step 1 – module will be presented the first time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fourth assignment/renewal.
  • 3-step sequence ׀ step 2 – module will be presented the second time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fifth assignment/renewal.
  • 3-step sequence ׀ step 3 – module will be presented the first time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the sixth assignment/renewal.
  • 3-step sequence ׀ steps 1 and 2 – module will be presented the first and second time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fourth and fifth assignment/renewal.
  • 3-step sequence ׀ steps 2 and 3 – module will be presented the second and third time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fifth and sixth assignment/renewal.
  • 3-step sequence ׀ steps 1 and 3 – module will be presented the first and third time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fourth and sixth assignment/renewal.
Breeio version 9.1.3