Event waiting lists

When creating a new event you can enable the 'Waitlist' feature which will allow delegates to add themselves to a waiting list if the event they want to attend is full.

Tick the 'Use waitlist' box and select the maximum number of waitlist places:


When the maximum capacity has been reached delegates will be provided with a 'Join the waitlist' button. Once the number of delegates on the waiting list has reached the maximum, delegates will be advised the event is full.

The delegate will be advised on the event page their position in the waiting list and this will be updated as they move up the waiting list. Delegates will also be emailed to confirm they are on the waiting lis.


After approximately one hour from when a space becomes available (the maximum places increased or a booking cancelled), the delegate at the top of the waiting list will be booked automatically onto the event and is notified. Others on the waiting list will be moved up the waiting list and will be emailed to let them know. A space will then become available on the waiting list for another delegate to take.

Administrators can see the details of the waiting list by clicking on 'Open Waitlist' on the event page.

This opens the Waitlist to see a list of names and if required the delegates can be emailed and/or removed from this list.


If there is a yellow triangle next to 'Open waitlist' it means a space has become available on the event and the waitlist is waiting to be processed (remember this will happen approximately one hour after a space becomes available).

When you click on 'Open waitlist' you will notice you have an additional button 'Process waitlist' - by clicking on this you will immediately add the delegate at the top of the list onto the event (this bypasses the one hour timeframe).


Another great way the Waitlist feature can support you

Obviously the feature it's self is really helpful so you can maximise the capacity on your events, however another great use is for you to see clearly the number of delegates who want to attend and if possible you could look to increase the capacity on the event to accommodate those on the waiting list. By reviewing the list it might help you to understand the demand for the event and consider if you need to add more events to the Training calendar.

Breeio version 9.2.1