Like other types of modules, a practical module will sit inside a course and can be blended with other training opportunities (eg. e-learning, resources, classroom, etc).
A practical module can be used to:
Manager will be the Line Manager if that feature is being used on your Breeio. Otherwise, the Group Manager and Administrators will be able to sign-off practical modules.
To add a Practical module, go to the Content area and click on the Modules tab.
1. Click on New Module
2. Click on the Create practical option to open up the module details page
3. Enter a title for your practical module - this title will appear on the course page. See the example below for how it will appear for the learner).
4. You can enter a description - this might be instructions on what needs to be completed, or a question to be answered in a response box (see example below to see how it will appear for the learner).
5. Set the sign-off authority:
6. Select how you want the learner to respond:
7. Select if you want the learner to be able to upload documents and specify the requirements. You can also upload a document that can be used as part of the sign off process.
8. Tick Assessment if you want the manager to be able to enter a score when signing off the module.
9. Enter the estimated duration of the module.
10. If you want to add version control to your module complete the details in the Review Summary module pane.
Top tip - use this area when you make changes to a module so you can keep track of what the changes were and when they took place.
If you add a date in the 'Review date' field, it will appear in the 'Review date' column on the module summary page. The module will change to a bold format when the review date has been reached, this will help you to manage your workflow of reviewing content.
See also...