How do I add something to my Learning Log?

The Learning Log is the place you record personal development and training activities that are not delivered or assigned through Breeio.

For example, you might read a book, attend a conference or see a helpful video online. Use the Learning Log to make a record of this learning event for later reference. All entries will become part of your Learning Record, along with completed Breeio course.

To add an entry:

1. Click the 'Learning Log' icon

2. Click on the 'Add new entry' button

3. Complete the form with the details of the learning


Give the learning you did a title


Use the calendar to select a date you completed the training

Number of hours

Use the drop down menu to select the time spent on the learning activity


Use the menu to select the type of learning 


You can use this field to add any further details about the learning you completed

Weblink URL

If you have a weblink you can paste it here for future reference


You can upload a file to go with this Learning Log entry e.g. a completed worksheet or scanned certificate


Depending on your organisations requirements you may be able to open some reflective questions to record what you learnt, how it's related to your development and how you will use the learning in the future.

4. Click 'Post Learning Log'

The Learning Log entry will be added to your Learning Log where you can view your history, download a PDF copy and see how much time you have spent learning in the year.

Breeio version 9.1.3