"Category", "Topic", "Help text", "Link to topic" LINE BREAK "Admin - User Management","About groups","Groups are a fundamental part of Breeio. Groups allow administrators to efficiently assign a course to many users and then track their progress by role, location, team, department, or any other way people have been grouped.</p> Some groups may have been set up when your system was configured.</p> You can add or remove users from the groups, set up new staff groups, and assign users to them.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-user-management/about-groups/"LINE BREAK"Admin - User Management","Away until","This is a useful feature to use when someone is going to be away from the business for some time e.g. maternity leave or long-term absence.</p> On the User profile page, you can add a date the user will be 'Away until'. Once this date has been added the user will be set as 'away' in Breeio.</p>  </p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/d5iasqmg/image.png' alt=''></p>  </p> When someone is marked 'away':</p> <ul> <li>Any training they have not started gets removed</li> <li>Training they’re currently doing stays as is</li> </ul> Once the 'Away until' date is up, the 'away' status will be lifted, and:</p> <ul> <li>Any canceled training will be reassigned.</li> <li>If they’ve never done the training before, they’ll get the 'first time' target period.</li> <li>If they’re renewing and the renewal date is still ahead, the target date will match that. Otherwise, they’ll also get the 'first time' target period.</li> </ul> <p class='pullout'>You can review all your learners that have an 'Away until' date in the 'Away until user list' in 'Other reports'.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-user-management/away-until/"LINE BREAK"Admin - User Management","How to check when a learner last logged in","If you would like to check the date one of your learners last logged into Breeio, you can do this through the User list report.</p> 1. Go to Other reports and click on 'User list'.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/p1rp3al5/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Find the learner and scroll across to the last column. The date they last logged in will be displayed in the 'Last login' column.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-user-management/how-to-check-when-a-learner-last-logged-in/"LINE BREAK"Admin - User Management","Managing Group categories","<strong>Note: </strong>The Training Groups category is not listed as it cannot be edited or deleted.</p> <strong>Adding a Group category</strong></p> A new Structure group category (e.g. Location, etc.) can be added under the 'Group Categories' tab (see below). Type in the name of the new category and click the Add button.</p> <img src='/media/miymecvu/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Changing the name of a Group category</strong></p> Type the new name into the Group category you want to change and click on 'update'.</p> <strong>Deleting a Group category</strong></p> Before deleting a Group category you will need to re-assign or delete any groups that are part of the Group category you want to delete. The system will only allow you to delete a Group category when there are no groups assigned to it.</p> You can see the number of Groups assigned on the Group category page.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/uwidj1gb/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-user-management/managing-group-categories/"LINE BREAK"Admin - User Management","Managing Groups","<strong>Adding a new Group</strong></p> To add a new Group to Breeio, complete the Group Details on the New Group screen, then click the Submit button.</p> <img src='/media/l1qghubs/image.png' alt=''></p> <ul> <li>The Group must have a name.</li> <li>If you wish, add a brief description of the Group.</li> <li>By default, the new Group is a Training Group. You can create a new Structure Group by selecting the Group Category from the drop-down list:</li> </ul> <img src='/media/nmypsdlv/image.png' alt=''></p> You can assign users to the Group from this screen. Alternatively, you can create the Group without any users, and then upload users in bulk at a later date. </p> If you add users to the Group on this screen, you can send individual e-mails with their login details and course assignments by checking the 'e-mail account details' box.</p> All full administrators can manage the membership of a group. If you would like to designate a Group owner to be able to manage the membership of a group, select that person in the Group Owner dropdown. They will then be able to edit the details and the membership in the group.</p> <strong>Editing an existing Group</strong></p> You can access an existing group by clicking on the Group name from the list of Groups.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/tuehjgzh/image.png' alt=''></p> Once on the Group page, you can edit the details.</p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Remember</strong> if you remove or add a user to a group it will affect their course assignments.</p> <strong>Deleting a Group</strong></p> Before you delete a group it is important to complete the following checks and actions:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Check the assignment rules associated with the Group</strong>. You can do this in Pathways and then Group Pathways.</li> </ul> <img src='/media/l52jbzho/image.png' alt=''></p> In the example above, if the group you need to delete is the 'Administrative' group we can see that one course has been assigned using that group, to find out further information about the assignment click on 'Administrative' and you will see the screen below. We can see an Equality and Diversity in the Workplace course has been assigned using the 'Administrative' group. You can either click on the 'unassign' button (this will remove this course from those in the 'Administrative' group) or you can click on the 'Edit course assignments' which will give you more information about the assignment and make any necessary changes.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/i32bwwny/image.png' alt=''></p> <ul> <li><strong>Re-assign users from the group you are deleting.</strong> You can do this by going to Users, searching for the group using the drop-down menu, and selecting the radio button 'All'. This will provide you with a list of all users (Active, Inactive, and Away) in that group. Click on each user to re-assign them to their new group. If you are dealing with high numbers you could use the 'Add to group in bulk' feature on the Group page. </li> </ul> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/rukpmuvl/image.png' alt=''></p> The group is now ready to be deleted. Go to the Group page, scroll down, and click on the 'Delete' button.</p> It's always a good idea to check the users you have moved to a different group have the correct course assignments.</p> <strong>Associated courses</strong></p> When you are on a group page, there is an 'Associated courses' panel at the bottom of the page. This provides you with a list of courses the group is assigned to and exempted from.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/0hsnddqz/image.png' alt=''></p>  </p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-user-management/managing-groups/"LINE BREAK"Admin - User Management","Adding users in bulk","You can use the Batch Management facility on the Users screen to keep your user database in sync with your HR system or employee database.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/yhpl500d/image.png' alt=''></p> 1) Export your employee data in CSV format. You can edit this in Microsoft Excel.</p> 2) Save the spreadsheet in CSV format:</p> <ul> <li>In Excel, open the File menu and select 'Save As'</li> <li>Select 'Save as type: CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)</li> </ul> 3) Edit the file so it can be read by Breeio:</p> <ul> <li>Add the first line to indicate the name of the columns - this row is mandatory and is not case-sensitive.</li> <li>Organise the columns into three sets, in the order shown in the diagram below:</li> </ul> <img src='/media/dxhbihnu/users-upload-format.png' alt=''></p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td style='width: 175px;'>User data - Green region</td> <td style='width: 597px;'> It's mandatory to provide employee ID, last name, and first name</p> You might choose to add columns for - date joined, away until, line manager, and manager for.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 175px;'> Organisation structure groups - Blue region</p> </td> <td style='width: 597px;'> The column headers need to match the names of the Group Categories you have set up on the system. If a Group Category on the CSV files is not recognised, Breeio will create a new Group Category.</p> The values in each column are the names of the Groups you have set up for the corresponding Group Category. If a Group name on the CSV file is not recognised, Breeio will create a new Group.</p> If a Group Category is not included in the CSV file, no changes will be made to Group allocations in this category.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 175px;'> Training Groups - red region</p> </td> <td style='width: 597px;'> The column headers need to match the Training Groups you have set up on the system.</p> Use '1' to indicate that the user is part of the Training Group and '0' to indicate they are not part of the Group.</p> In the example above:</p> <ul> <li>Michael is part of Training Group B</li> <li>Irina is not part of any training group</li> <li>Faye is a member of both Training Group A and B</li> </ul> If a Training Group is not recognised by Breeio, it will be created automatically.</p> If a Training Group is not included in the CSV file, no changes will be made to allocations to that Group.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class='pullout'>If you are using passwords on the system, new users will be allocated the default password (e.g. 'training'). Users who have already changed their password will keep their personal password.</p> 4) Select 'Upload new batch file' on the Bulk management screen.</p> 5) Browse to the file and click on the 'submit' button.</p> 6) Tick the relevant boxes:</p> <ul> <li>Tick to turn off users not listed in the CSV - anyone not listed in the CSV will be made inactive. Training records will not be removed but these users will no longer be able to access the system.</li> <li>Tick to immediately send login details and assignments to all added users - this will send out an email to each new user.</li> </ul> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/tqgfyewe/image.png' alt=''></p> 7) When you click on 'Submit' the user information will be uploaded and analysed. You will see a user-by-user analysis indicating:</p> <ul> <li>If they are already in the system (In system)</li> <li>If any change will be performed (Action - Add, Assign or Turn off)</li> <li>If any user information will be updated (User Data Changes)</li> <li>If group membership will be changed (Group Membership Changes)</li> <li>What groups is the person being removed from</li> <li>Any errors in the key user data</li> </ul>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-user-management/adding-users-in-bulk/"LINE BREAK"Admin - User Management","Staff group types","There are two types of groups in Breeio - Structure groups and Training groups.</p> <strong>Structure groups</strong> are created to mirror your organisation's HR structure and are likely to be categorised by division, job role, location, etc. Each person in your organisation will belong to only one group within each structure group category.</p> <strong>Training groups</strong><span> are more flexible and users can be in any number of training groups. For example, a staff member may be part of the 'Induction 2023 - Q1' and the 'Product A Knowledge' and 'Product C Knowledge' groups.</span></p> <strong>Finding information about your groups</strong></p> Go to:</p> <ul> <li>Admin</li> <li>Users</li> <li>Groups and Group categories</li> </ul> <strong>Group categories</strong></p> You can see all your Structure groups in this area, you can also add and delete group categories here.</p> <img src='/media/1rfnlvhu/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Groups</strong></p> All your Groups are listed by Group category - you can search by a Group category. You will find any Training Groups you have set up in this area.</p> <img src='/media/woehi3in/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Making changes to Group categories and Groups</strong></p> Caution is advised when administering Group categories and Groups as you will need to consider current and future assignments. Always refer to the help pages before making any changes.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-user-management/staff-group-types/"LINE BREAK"Admin - User Management","Adding users to a group in bulk","When you have created a new group, you can add new users to it in bulk.</p> 1) Put the user details in a spreadsheet like the one below.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/ltlpnoy1/users-bulk-import.png' alt=''></p> It must contain:</p> <ul> <li>A first row to indicate the name of the columns - Employee ID, Lastname, Firstname. Please note this row is mandatory and is not case-sensitive.</li> <li>User data for each user you would like to be included in the Group.</li> </ul> If you are using passwords on the system, new users will be allocated the default password (e.g.'training'). Users who have already changed their password will keep their personal password.</p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Note: </strong>If you'd like to see who the current users are in the group - click on the 'View current CSV file' link.</p> <img src='/media/b3ya10yl/image.png' alt=''></p> 2) Save the file as a .csv file:</p> <ul> <li>In Excel, open the File menu and select 'Save As..'</li> <li>Select 'Save as type: CSV (Comma delimited)(*.csv)'.</li> </ul> 3) On the Group details section of the Group Search &amp; Edit screen, browse to the saved file, then click either <strong>Add to group</strong> or <strong>Replace group</strong>:</p> <img src='/media/zixfgdpi/image.png' alt=''></p> <ul> <li><strong>Add to group</strong>- new users will be added to the system and assigned to the Group. If the list includes users who are already assigned to the group, these entries will be ignored.</li> <li><strong>Replace group</strong>- existing members of the group who are NOT present in the spreadsheet will be unassigned from the Group.</li> </ul> 4) To send an automatic email to the members of the Group, with their login details and titles of the course assigned to them, check the 'E-mail account details' box and click 'Update'.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-user-management/adding-users-to-a-group-in-bulk/"LINE BREAK"Admin - User Management","Deleting users","You can delete a user from Breeio by going into their User record and using the 'Click to delete' link in the Record Management pane.</p> <img src='/media/xjkfhjbd/image.png' alt=''></p> You will be asked to confirm your decision to delete a user.</p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Important</strong> - deleting a user is an irreversible action. If you delete a user, their records will also be deleted and will not be included in any completion statistics, past or future.</p> An alternative is to make the user inactive by unchecking the Active box - this will preserve the record.</p> <img src='/media/zjsckziv/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-user-management/deleting-users/"LINE BREAK"Admin - User Management","Deleting users in bulk","If you wish to delete a large number of accounts, you can do this by sending us a request from the Inactive Accounts and Retention pane in the Batch Management section.</p> <img src='/media/nlrnpoms/image.png' alt=''></p> Provide the information about the deletion in the text box and click 'send'. We will contact you to confirm and action your request.</p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Important</strong> - deleting a user is an irreversible operation. If you delete a user, their records will also be deleted and will not be included in any completion statistics past or future.</p> <strong>Useful information</strong></p> A medium-to-long-term strategy for managing your database may be to make users inactive when they leave the company and retain them in that state for 1-2 years. Delete them only when you no longer need their records for compliance purposes or when you have created electronic or paper copies of their records.</p> To help you with the management of 'inactive' accounts you can use the tool in the Inactive Accounts and Retention area. This helps you to identify those accounts that you might want to delete. You can also download a user Training history PDF here and download the list into a CSV file.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/ezwnrvcy/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-user-management/deleting-users-in-bulk/"LINE BREAK"Admin - User Management","Making a user inactive","You can change the status of a user to inactive on the User Details pane by simply removing the tick next to 'Active'.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/khhj4se3/image.png' alt=''></p> Changing a user to inactive has the following effects:</p> <ol> <li>The user's records are preserved and can be viewed in the future.</li> <li>The user's completion statistics can be included in your reports (if you have decided to include Inactive users in the report - the default setting is Active users only).</li> </ol> <strong>Useful information</strong></p> A medium- to long-term strategy for managing your user database may be to make users Inactive when they leave and retain them in that state for 1-2 years. Delete them when you no longer need their records for compliance purposes or when you have created electronic or paper copies of their records.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-user-management/making-a-user-inactive/"LINE BREAK"Admin - User Management","Adding individual users","Users can be added as individual records or in bulk from a spreadsheet created manually or exported from your HR system.</p> Individual users can be added to Breeio in the Users area.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/cmfnevuj/image.png' alt=''></p> Complete the User details - the information you need to provide will depend on the way your system has been set up, but for each user, you will need the following:</p> <ul> <li>a unique identifier (e-mail address, payroll number, etc., depending on how your system has been configured)</li> <li>a first name</li> <li>a last name</li> </ul> <strong>Date Joined</strong></p> If you want to use the 'Effective date' option when creating a course the 'Date joined' field must be populated when adding a new user.</p> By default, there is a setting switched on which means if this field is left unpopulated the system will add the date the user was created on Breeio. This setting can be switched off which allows this field to be left completely unpopulated – speak to your system administrator to understand your settings.</p> If a new joiner has a start date in the future their target dates will be aligned to their start date.</p> <strong>Passwords</strong></p> You can use the [Set to default] button to apply the default password for a new user, they will be asked to change this when they log in for the first time.</p> <strong>Groups</strong></p> Users need to be allocated to the correct groups so they receive the correct course assignments. The group categories presented on screen will be determined by how the system has been set up.</p> <strong>Notifying the new user</strong></p> To send the user an email with their login details and assignments, tick the box at the bottom of the screen before clicking the submit button.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-user-management/adding-individual-users/"LINE BREAK"Admin - User Management","Managing events permissions","Different types of users can be set up in Breeio according to their roles and the rights you want them to have within the system. To provide further flexibility you can give individual users further permissions so they can manage events. To do this head over to ‘Permissions’ in the ‘Users’ area.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/jl0knq0x/image.png' alt=''></p>  There are five roles you can give users permission to:</p> <ol> <li><strong>Create and manage own events</strong> – users with this role will have permission to create events and edit those they have created.</li> <li><strong>Manage all events</strong> – users with this role will have permission to edit all events, including events created by others.</li> <li><strong>Add own users to events</strong> – users with this role can assign delegates within the Group or Team they manage.</li> <li><strong>Add any users to events</strong> – users with this role can add anyone on the LMS to an event.</li> <li><strong>Mark attendance and absence at events</strong> – users with this role can mark attendance and absence for delegates.</li> </ol> Select the role you want to give permission to and then add the individual user.</p> You will see a record of those users who already have permission for the role:</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/mxzppzg2/image.png' alt=''></p> Click on the ‘x’ next to the user if you want to remove the permission from their profile.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-user-management/managing-events-permissions/"LINE BREAK"Admin - User Management","User roles and admin rights","You can assign individual Breeio users different roles and administration rights on the User Details page. You set the user privileges by selecting 'Type'.</p> Most users of your Breeio will be Standard users. These users can log in to Breeio but do not have access to the Admin or Reports area.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/xqslps4x/image.png' alt=''></p> The other user types have different privileges. In summary:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Administrators</strong> can do everything and see everything</li> <li><strong>Group Managers</strong> can report on their groups and the people in their groups, across all courses</li> <li><strong>Course Managers</strong> can create courses, create groups, assign to groups, and then report on their own courses</li> </ul> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>System privileges by admin role</strong></td> <td><strong>Group Manager</strong></td> <td><strong>Course Manager</strong></td> <td> <strong>Administrator</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>View reports</td> <td>Yes, on own group(s)</td> <td>Yes, on own course(s)</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Schedule reports</td> <td>No, though can receive</td> <td>Yes, on own course(s)</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Add and edit training groups</td> <td>No</td> <td>Yes, own group(s)</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Add or edit users</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Assign users to groups</td> <td>No</td> <td>Yes, own group(s)</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Add and edit modules</td> <td>No</td> <td>Yes, own module(s)</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Add and edit resources</td> <td>No</td> <td>Yes, own resource(s)</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Create and edit courses</td> <td>No</td> <td>Yes, own course(s)</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Assign users to courses</td> <td>No</td> <td>Yes, own course(s)</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Make courses live</td> <td>No</td> <td>Yes, own course(s)</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>View user details</td> <td>Yes, within group(s)</td> <td>Yes</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Edit resource footers</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Access My Team</td> <td>Yes, for own group(s)</td> <td>No</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sign-off practicals</td> <td>Yes, for own group(s)</td> <td>No</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Approve optional course requests</td> <td>Yes, for own group(s)</td> <td>No</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Approve event booking requests</td> <td>Yes, for own group(s)</td> <td>No</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mark attendance for delegates</td> <td>Yes, for own group(s) - only if setting/permission is switched on</td> <td>No</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Create new categories</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> <td> Yes</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <strong>Line Managers</strong></p> Line Managers are set up as Standard users, but if their name has been used as a Line Manager for another user they will have access to the 'My Teams' area.</p> In the 'My Teams' area they can view their team's training progress, look at individual progress reports, and action any approvals or sign-offs.</p> Line Managers do not have access to Admin or reporting.</p> <strong>Permissions</strong></p> To provide further flexibility you can give individual users further permissions so they can manage events. For more information see the ‘Changing user permissions so they can manage events’ help page.</p> <strong>Delegate my Team</strong></p> Managers are able to temporarily delegate their team to a colleague if they are going to be away from the business. This can be actioned via the My Teams area where they can select a colleague who will then have access to all their team members in their My Teams area. They will be able to see the team's training progress, access Learning logs and reflective questions, comment on and close objectives, and manage approvals and sign-offs. When the manager returns they have access to revert the team back to their My Teams area.</p> Administrators are able to see in the Admin area in the User profile if a manager has delegated their team to a colleague and are able to cancel the delegation. Administrators also have access to Delegate the team to another user from the User profile screen if a manager is unexpectedly away from the business.</p> <strong>Transfer team to another manager</strong></p> Administrators are able to transfer a team to another manager in the User profile area - you can transfer the whole team or select the users you want to transfer.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/perpho4d/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-user-management/user-roles-and-admin-rights/"LINE BREAK "Admin - Reporting","Dashboard","The Dashboard is split into four areas to provide you with a quick snapshot of what is happening in Breeio.</p> <strong>1) Notifications</strong></p> This area provides you with some headlines of what happened overnight and what actions need to be taken.</p> <img src='/media/505njjp2/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>2) </strong><strong>Analytics</strong></p> This area provides you with some great visuals to get a snapshot of activity on your account.</p> <strong>The Central Administration Team</strong> - see the data for the whole organisation</p> <strong>Group Managers</strong> - see the data for their group only</p> You can change the view of the graphs by changing the number of weeks of data and searching for a course under completion and validity.</p> <img src='/media/weqnwzgd/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>3) Surveys</strong></p> A survey tile will appear on your dashboard once one learner has completed it. It updates to let you know the number completed in the last week and keeps a date stamp of the last response.</p> Simply click on the survey tile to take you straight into the survey results.</p> <img src='/media/4hhkmdhw/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>4) Saved reports</strong></p> For reports you use regularly, you can save it onto your dashboard so you can access it quickly by clicking on the report tile. Reports that you have scheduled are easily identified on the tile and you can schedule or delete the report from the dashboard by hovering over the tile and clicking on the button.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/gndliyr4/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-reporting/dashboard/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Reporting","Reports to help you manage the demand for classroom events","Breeio has a number of reports that can help you to identify when new events need to be added:</p> <strong>Optional courses pending approval</strong></p> When a course is optional the delegate's request to complete a course might need to be approved by their manager and/or the central admin team.</p> This report helps you to keep on top of those approvals - managers and the central admin teams are notified when an approval is needed through their homepage. This acts as a reminder for the central admin that approvals are outstanding and they can chase managers to approve if needed. </p> The report also provides you with a sense check to the demand of the course and if it's a course with a classroom module help you to understand how many events need to be scheduled.</p> <strong>Pending classroom bookings</strong></p> When a learner signs up for a course they have the option to 'pre-book a date' or 'select a date later' for the classroom module.</p> If dates are scheduled the date will appear for the learner to select one - in this instance they will not appear on this report.</p> If the learner cannot attend a date or there aren't any events scheduled they will click on 'select a date later' - in this instance the record will appear in the Pending classroom bookings report.</p> This report will help you with your capacity planning - you can review it to see how many people have enrolled onto the course and want to attend the classroom module. You can then check to see if you have events scheduled, how many you have scheduled and if there are enough to meet the current demand.</p> <strong>Upcoming classroom bookings</strong></p> This reports all current classroom bookings - remember you can use the filters if you want to look at a date range or for a particular course.</p> It is useful to look at this report to check what is happening on certain dates as you may want to avoid these dates when scheduling new dates.</p>  </p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-reporting/reports-to-help-you-manage-the-demand-for-classroom-events/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Reporting","Validity view in reports","When you're in reports you can set the view setting to either 'validity' or 'assignment' depending on what information you are looking to obtain from the report.</p> Validity view shows the status of learners who <strong>need</strong> to complete a course, including those that have renewals. It is the best way of looking at your training performance if you have courses that expire and need to be renewed.</p> By default, validity view only displays mandatory training that isn't 'Expired, not required' and does not display Optional assignments because learners <strong>do not</strong> need to complete these courses. You can use the filters to change the default view if you want to look at the data differently.</p> Validity can be displayed in a bar chart or pie chart depending on the report:</p> <p class='imagecaption'><strong>Group Aggregate and Courses Overview reports display the data in a bar chart format</strong></p> <img src='/media/smcds1ei/image.png' alt=''></p> <p class='imagecaption'><strong>Course Breakdown and User Overview report display the data in a pie chart format</strong></p> <p class='imagecaption'><img src='/media/aqeldaqw/image.png' alt=''></p> To explain the difference between validity view and assignment view, we'll look at an example:</p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td> If a course needs to be completed every year and you have configured the course to automatically renew each year, a 'valid' completion will be one that was completed within the last 12 months.</p> The learner may already be assigned a new instance of the course, but as long as they haven't passed the renewal date, the validity report will correctly show that they are still current for that training.</p> The Assignment view would not show any record of the previous completion and would only focus on the progress on the current assignment. Assignment view does include optional assignments by default.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <strong>What do the colours mean?</strong></p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td><img src='/media/bdbbgtg1/valid.png' alt=''></td> <td>The learner has completed the course and the validity has not expired.</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src='/media/pyxfxghi/expires_soon.png' alt=''></td> <td>The learner has completed the course, the validity has not expired, but a new assignment has been issued because the renewal date is approaching.</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src='/media/422gffm4/assigned.png' alt=''></td> <td>The learner has been assigned the course but does not have a valid completion.</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src='/media/0ywnvhjo/late.png' alt=''></td> <td>The learner has missed the deadline and does not have a valid completion.</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src='/media/xarphxms/failed.png' alt=''></td> <td>The learner has failed the course and does not have a valid completion.</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src='/media/owxpy14a/expired.png' alt=''></td> <td>The learner's completion has expired and is no longer valid, but the course is no longer required because it is no longer assigned to that user.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-reporting/validity-view-in-reports/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Reporting","Assignment view in reports","When you're in some of the reports you can set the view setting to either 'validity' or 'assignment' depending on what information you are looking to obtain from the report.</p> The Assignment view shows progress against <strong>current</strong> assignments (optional and mandatory) for the courses and the people you have selected.</p> Assignment data can be displayed in a bar chart or pie chart depending on the report:</p> <strong>Group Aggregate and Courses Overview reports display the data in a bar chart format</strong></p> <p class='imagecaption'><img src='/media/yhik2qoq/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Course Breakdown and User Overview reports display the data in a pie chart format</strong></p> <p class='imagecaption'><img src='/media/yxsnh2zd/image.png' alt=''></p> What do the colours mean?</p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td><img src='/media/g1wfo2si/image.png' alt=''></td> <td>The learner has completed the course and if it has an assessment module the learner has passed it.</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src='/media/pw4pbgh2/image.png' alt=''></td> <td>The learner has taken the course but has failed the assessment module. Depending on how the course has been created the learner may be able to automatically re-take the course and the assessment or the course might need to be re-assigned to them.</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src='/media/vhio0yog/image.png' alt=''></td> <td>The learner is working through the course.</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src='/media/dbcjiydh/image.png' alt=''></td> <td>The learner hasn't started to work through the course yet.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class='pullout'><strong>Remember </strong>- using the assignment view will show you data for <strong>current</strong> assignments only which is useful if you want to check the progress being made on a course that does not have a validity period. It will let you know if you need to check in on learners and action you might need to take e.g. speak with those who have failed to see if they need further support.</p> <strong>When to select the validity view over the assignment view?</strong></p> Choose the validity view when you have a course that has a validity period and you want to view if they are still valid (e.g. complaint) on the course. When validity approaches expiration and the course is automatically reassigned, it will show in assignment view as a new 'not started' assignment but the course is still valid at that point which you would see under validity view. </p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-reporting/assignment-view-in-reports/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Reporting","Scheduling reports","Scheduled reports can be configured and then set to automatically email out the latest results of the report to a selected group of people.</p> All your saved reports will be in the 'saved reports' section on your Dashboard.</p> In the example below we can see we have three reports that are not scheduled to be sent out and two that are scheduled.</p> <p dir='ltr'><img src='/media/mnck3qyr/image.png' alt=''></p> 1. To schedule the report hover over the report tile and click on the 'schedule' button:</p> <img src='/media/qarjnnot/schedule_report.png' alt=''></p> 2. Fill out the 'schedule report' form as detailed below:</p> <img src='/media/vlolsmxq/image.png' alt=''></p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td> <strong>Email from</strong></p> </td> <td>Type in the email address you want the email to appear from</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Email full report to</strong></td> <td> Type in the email address(s) you want the report to be sent to</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Email group report to</strong></td> <td> You can select from:</p> <ul> <li><strong>All Managers</strong> - each Manager who has people taking the course will receive their groups' report for the course or courses in the report type.</li> <li><strong>Select individual Managers </strong>- select from the list of Managers who have people taking the course or can report on the course (Course Managers and Administrators).</li> <li><strong>None</strong> - select this if you want the full report to be sent.</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Body</strong></td> <td> Type your email message here. The email will be sent with this text and the report attached</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Email subject</strong></td> <td> This will be the subject of the email that is sent by the system - it will default to the title of the report but you can change it by typing over it</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Schedule</strong></td> <td> Select how often you want the report to be sent:</p> <ul> <li>Do not send the report yet, I will set the schedule later</li> <li>Send every day, except on Saturday and Sunday</li> <li>Send every week, on Monday</li> <li>Send on the first day of the month</li> <li>Send on the first day of a new quarter</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Report format</strong></td> <td> Select if you want the file to be sent in CSV or PDF format</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Add to homepage?</strong></td> <td> Select if you want the scheduled report to be added to the recipients homepage</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 3. There are a number of buttons at the end of the form, select the one for the action you want to take:</p> <img src='/media/c1ldevw0/schedule_report_send.png' alt=''></p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Send me a preview</strong></td> <td> This will send you a copy of the report so you can review it before saving and sending it to anyone. You can make any changes by clicking on the 'schedule' button.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Cancel</strong></td> <td> This will cancel the information you have added into the form and you will be taken back to the Dashboard.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Save and send now</strong></td> <td> This will save the report and send a copy of the report to the recipients.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Save</strong></td> <td> This will save the report and will send the report as per the schedule you have set.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-reporting/scheduling-reports/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Reporting","User overview report","The User overview report links you through to individual training records where you can see progress and validity of courses assigned to the individual. You can also complete the following actions from there:</p> <ul> <li>Download a training log</li> <li>Manually add training to the user's training log</li> <li>Send the user an email</li> <li>Complete assignment admin - change target dates, re-set and auto-complete</li> </ul> From the summary page you can view some really useful information such as validity status on course, target dates (will be highlighted if the date has passed), event date (if a date has been selected for a classroom module), completion date and assessment score.</p> <img src='/media/1hcji1u0/image.png' alt=''></p> To access an individual training record - click on their name in the User overview report. In this area you get a great visual of the progress the individual is making with their training.</p> <img src='/media/lrtgjklx/image.png' alt=''></p> You can drill down to a more granular level by clicking on the course name.</p> From this page you can see the titles of the different modules and resources that make up the course, what type of module it is, along with dates, duration and scores.</p> <img src='/media/f4saiypu/image.png' alt=''></p> You can use the features on the User overview report to complete some important actions:</p>  <strong>Manually</strong><strong> logging training</strong></p> Click on the pencil 'Log' icon on the blue bar.</p> A pop-up box will appear on screen with three options - 'Log ad-hoc training', 'log course completion' and 'log personal training' - select the option you need.</p> <table border='0' style='border-style: hidden;'> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class='pullout'><strong>Remember</strong> - If you have a group of people who have completed training you can log it through the 'Learning log' option (on the navigation bar on the reports homepage) and it will give you the option of logging the training by adding participants and/or groups which would be quicker than logging individually through the individual report. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <strong>1. Log ad-hoc training</strong></p> You can use this category to log any ad-hoc training that has been organised outside of Breeio and you don't need to create reports of who has completed the course. Logging ad-hoc training will add the training event to the Individual Training Record, but it is not reportable elsewhere.</p> You might use this option to:</p> <ul> <li>Log historical training sessions that are no longer offered</li> <li>Give credit for NVQ or Diploma Qualifications.</li> </ul> <strong>2. Log course completion</strong></p> This allows you to add a manual submission of completion of a Breeio course. Logging training here will add a completion against a live course for that person. Those completions will be treated like all others and will feed into reports on Breeio.</p> <strong>3. Log personal training</strong></p> You can use this category to log any personal training the individual has completed such as attending a conference, watching a video, reading a book etc.</p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Remember</strong> - the individual has access to log personal training through their Breeio account</p> <strong>Emailing user</strong></p> Click on the email icon on the blue bar.</p> This is a useful feature that enables you to send an email to the user directly from the system - maybe you need to remind them they have a target date coming up soon, or they need to book a date for a classroom module. It's quick and simple to send it while working in the account rather than switching to your email account.</p> <strong>Assignment</strong><strong> admin</strong></p> When you click on the 'Assignments' icon a pop-up box will open on screen and you have the following options - 'Auto complete', 'Reset' and 'Change target dates'.</p> <strong>1. Auto complete</strong></p> This enables you to manually complete a course for the individual when they have a current open assignment - you can add a completion date and add the score they achieved. It will display as auto completed by admin.</p> <strong>2. Reset</strong></p> You are able to reset the course status to 'not started'. You will be presented with the option to remove any associated completion from learning logs or to keep any existing completions in the log.</p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Caution</strong> is advised when using this feature as the action is irreversible.</p> <strong>3. Change target dates</strong></p> You can change the target date for an assignment for the individual but only for those courses that <strong>don't have a fixed target date</strong>.</p> <strong>Training record</strong></p> Clicking on the 'Training' icon will download a PDF of the individual's training record that you can print and/or save.</p> <p class='imagecaption'><img src='/media/bjki2qs4/training-record.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-reporting/user-overview-report/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Reporting","Learning log","The learning log displays a list of all learning that has been completed through Breeio and also any learning logged by individuals e.g. attending a conference or reading a book.</p> <img src='/media/xh3btjvx/image.png' alt=''></p> <img src='blob:https://www.breeio.com/bc444b51-524a-46de-9951-32c5bd2809d2' alt=''>You might find it useful to apply some filters so you only see the data you are interested in.</p> All the usual filters are available (by courses and by staff) but you can also filter by the different learning log categories and other training categories. So if you want to report how many hours per month individuals are spending in coaching sessions you can easily find this information using the filters.</p> The filter on this report also has a date range too!</p> <img src='/media/mumgvrhq/filters.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Manually logging training</strong></p> Administrators and Group Managers can manually log training by clicking on the 'log' icon.</p> A pop-up box will appear on screen with three options - Log ad-hoc training, Log course completion and Log personal training - select the option you need.</p> This feature is useful because you're able to log training by selecting participants or by selecting groups saving you time if you have large numbers of people to log training for.</p> <strong>1. Log ad-hoc training</strong></p> You can use this category to log any ad-hoc training that has been organised outside of Breeio and you don't need to create reports of who has completed the course. Logging ad-hoc training will add the training event to the Individual Training Record, but it is not reportable elsewhere.</p> You might use this option to:</p> <ul> <li>Log historical training sessions that are no longer offered</li> <li>Give credit for NVQ or Diploma Qualifications.</li> </ul> <strong>2. Log course completion</strong></p> This allows you to add a manual submission of completion of a Breeio course. Logging training here will add a completion against a live course for that person even if they don't have a current open assignment. Those completions will be treated like all others and will feed into reports on Breeio.</p> <strong>3. Log personal training</strong></p> You can use this category to log any personal training that has been completed such as attending a conference, watching a video, reading a book etc.</p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Remember</strong> - the individual has access to log personal training through their Breeio account</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-reporting/learning-log/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Reporting","My Team reports","The 'My Teams' area is there to support Line and Group Managers with managing their team's training. Central Administrators have access to this area and will contain data for all users.</p> <p class='imagecaption'>The Admin area can be found at the bottom of the homepage</p> <img src='/media/txkd2bkh/admin_panel.png' alt=''></p> The manager will get a great visual of the validity of the courses that have been assigned to each individual, dates of classroom events if there are any approvals required, and outstanding objectives.</p> The screen might look different to the screenshot below - if you have a large team or are a central administrator the team list might be collapsed rather than listed in full.</p> <img src='/media/zuoh2zf3/image.png' alt=''></p> Managers can drill down by clicking on the users name or the classroom, approval, or late item which will take them to the individual record.</p> <img src='/media/kpvbg5ck/image.png' alt=''></p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Learning log</strong></td> <td> Click on Learning log to download a PDF of the individual's training record</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Progress report</strong></td> <td> Click on Progress report to download a PDF for a breakdown on the progress made on all assigned courses</p> <img src='/media/j4ch1rkn/image.png' alt=''></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Approvals</strong></td> <td> Click on the individual item to open the approval process</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Upcoming classroom</strong></td> <td> This details the dates, time, and location of any classroom events the individual is booked on.</p> Click on 'View event' to see further information about the event.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Managers are able to update current and create new objectives and review previous sign-offs.</p> <img src='/media/o5ahbx0v/objectives.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-reporting/my-team-reports/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Reporting","Survey reports","Including a survey module as part of your course is a good way of receiving feedback from your learners so you can assess the impact your training is having for individuals and the organisation.</p> If you would like more information about creating a survey, click on the 'Creating an e-learning module' link below.</p> There are two ways you can access the results of a survey:</p> 1) By clicking on the survey tile on the Dashboard</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/0u3juwhy/surveys.png' alt=''></p> 2) From the Course breakdown report select the course, click on 'View module breakdown', click on the Survey and into 'View question analysis'</p> <strong>Interpreting the survey results</strong></p> The result information will be displayed differently depending on the question type.</p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td> <strong>Question type</strong></p> </td> <td><strong>Result information</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Multiple choice</td> <td> Displayed as a bar chart - the number next to the blue bar indicates the number of people who have responded with that answer. Click on 'responses' to see a further breakdown.</p> <img src='/media/dpvge3ht/multi-choice.png' alt=''></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Scale</td> <td> Displayed with the average score for each question. Click on 'responses' to see a further breakdown.</p> <img src='/media/zg2npqur/scale.png' alt=''></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Typed answer</td> <td> Displayed with a sentiment rating. An algorithm assesses from the words the responders have used to provide a sentiment percentage. Click on 'responses' to see the typed responses people have given.</p> <img src='/media/1zioo5hs/typed-answer.png' alt=''></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <strong>Saving the survey as a report</strong></p> You can save the survey into the reports area of the Dashboard by clicking on the 'save' icon. You can schedule the survey to be sent at regular intervals to people you wish to see the result. </p> <strong>Downloading the survey responses</strong></p> You can click on the 'PDF' icon to download a report of the survey results.</p> Alternatively, if you'd prefer to download as an Excel file click on the 'Download response details' - you can tick the 'keep anonymous' box to remove the names of the responders.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/50afpfdg/download-response-details.png' alt=''></p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Remember</strong> - you can use the filters to look at data for specific groups and courses. There is also a date filter so you can look at the survey responses, a rolling period (number of days, weeks, months, years) or set a fixed date range.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-reporting/survey-reports/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Reporting","Emailing users through reports","When you are in the Course breakdown and User overview reports you can click on the 'Email' icon to create an individual email for every person in the report shown on the screen. For example, you might want to send a reminder to all those who have not finished a course by a set date, or congratulate all those who have passed a test.</p> <strong>Composing your message</strong></p> <img src='/media/wytl4anh/image.png' alt=''></p> <table border='0' style='height: 524px;'> <tbody> <tr style='height: 519px;'> <td style='height: 112px;'> <strong>Re</strong><strong>cipients</strong></p> </td> <td style='height: 112px;'> The email will be sent to all those who appear in the report but you can use can filter the recipient list by clicking on the filter icon:<br><br>You can target your email using the categories - valid, valid expires soon, assigned, late, failed and expired no longer required. Just tick the category you need and the recipient list will be filtered.<br><br>Alternatively, you can click on the 'Toggle all' button to remove the ticks next to the users name. You can then tick the box of those people you wish to send the email to.</p> Users receiving the email do not know who else it has been sent to, as the messages are separate, rather than being created from a list.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 46px;'> <td style='height: 46px;'><strong>Cc Manager</strong></td> <td style='height: 46px;'> Tick the box if you want to copy the recipient's line manager to the email you are sending.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 64px;'> <td style='height: 64px;'><strong>From name</strong></td> <td style='height: 64px;'> This will default to your user type e.g. General Administrator, however you can change that to your name if you'd prefer.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 82px;'> <td style='height: 82px;'><strong>From address</strong></td> <td style='height: 82px;'> This is the address that will be displayed to recipients, it will default to the email address you have set in the system, however you can change that to your email address if you'd prefer.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 46px;'> <td style='height: 46px;'><strong>Subject</strong></td> <td style='height: 46px;'> Add the subject you'd like to appear in the subject field of the email.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 46px;'> <td style='height: 46px;'><strong>Attachments</strong></td> <td style='height: 46px;'> You can upload attachments to be sent with the email.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 64px;'> <td style='height: 64px;'><strong>Body</strong></td> <td style='height: 64px;'> Type your message - the system will use the @FIRST_NAME@ @LAST_NAME@ code to personalise the message.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 64px;'> <td style='height: 64px;'><strong>Send a copy to</strong></td> <td style='height: 64px;'> Add an email address if you'd like someone to be copied into the email - this message will include the list of all recipients.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <strong>Sending your message</strong></p> When you are happy with your message you can use the 'send' button. If you'd like to preview the email before sending it click on the 'Send preview' button to send the email to yourself.</p> If you change your mind you can click on the 'cancel' button.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/eqko3znq/email-buttons.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Tracking messages</strong></p> <img src='/media/3hhfe3ri/button-mailshot.png' alt=''></p> Click on this icon to find a record of all emails sent associated with that report. The overview will provide:</p> <ul> <li>Subject of email</li> <li>Name of the sender</li> <li>Date sent</li> <li>Number of emails sent</li> </ul> If you want more information click on 'details' where you can see the list of recipients and confirmation the email was sent. This list can be downloaded into Excel.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-reporting/emailing-users-through-reports/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Reporting","Other reports","There are a number of different reports available in this area - you may or may not have all the reports detailed here and you may have some bespoke reporting depending on your organisation's requirements.</p> <img src='/media/xthl5lyj/image.png' alt=''></p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Remember </strong>- you can still use the filtering options available to ensure the report contains only the information you need.</p> <strong>Training Reports</strong></p> <strong>Programmes Matrix</strong></p> This report provides a consolidated view on how each individual is progressing through categories of training.</p> <img src='/media/h2rnshjt/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Training Matrix</strong></p> This report provides a consolidated view on how each individual is progressing on all courses.</p> <img src='/media/4wvgzefg/image.png' alt=''></p> What do the colour codes mean?</p> <img src='/media/c2jfopsp/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Training Matrix Summary</strong></p> The summary report provides a summary from the Training Matrix report of the validity and assignment of courses.</p> <strong>Optional courses pending approval</strong></p> When a course is optional the delegate's request to complete a course might need to be approved by their manager and/or the central admin team. </p> This report helps you to keep on top of those approvals - managers and the central admin teams are notified an approval is needed through their homepage - so this acts as a reminder for central admin that approvals are outstanding and they can chase managers to approve if needed. The report also provides you with a sense check to the demand of the course and if it's a course with an instructor-led module help you to understand how many events need to be scheduled.</p> <strong>Multi course breakdown</strong></p> This is a multi course version of the standard Course breakdown report. It lists all the users assigned with progress information against a set of courses (as specified in the report's filter). If a user is assigned to more than one of the courses selected, they will appear on multiple rows, one for each course they are assigned to.</p> <strong>Learning log detailed report</strong></p> This report pulls together all the learning log entries learners have added via their Learning Log. It provides the details entered including answers to the reflective questions (if this feature is switched on and the setting enabled to see the answers).</p> <strong>Event Reports</strong></p> <strong>Pending event bookings</strong></p> This report displays delegates enrolled onto a course (mandatory or optional-but have been approved if needed) with an instructor-led module but the delegate has not booked onto an event. This will help you with your capacity planning - do you have enough events or do you need to add new events?</p> <strong>Upcoming event bookings</strong></p> This details all event bookings by delegate. This report has an additional date filter so you can filter by all, by a rolling period or by a fixed date range.</p> <strong>Learning events data </strong></p> This report pulls together useful information about each event and once the attendance has been marked it’s fed through to this report so you can use it to analyse how popular events area and the impact of non-attendance.</p> This report has a date range filter and when downloaded it contains the ‘costs’ information you may have added when creating the event</p> <strong>Event attendance log</strong></p> This details attendance for all events. This report has an additional date filter so you can filter by all, by a rolling period or by a fixed date range.</p> <strong>Event attendance and absence</strong></p> This report pulls together the data from the Event attendance log and Event absence log so you can see all the information in one report. Use the filters (including date range) to focus on specific events or groups of delegates.</p> <strong>Event absence log</strong></p> This report is a list of delegates who have been marked as absent from an event.</p> <strong>Cancelled event</strong></p> A log of all cancelled events is kept here. All course and staff filters are disabled on this report but you can filter using date filters (all, by a rolling period or by a fixed date range).</p> <strong>Users reports</strong></p> <strong>User list</strong></p> This is a full list of all your users of Breeio.</p> <strong>Group Managers</strong></p> This provides you with the names of all the Group Managers and the group(s) they manage.</p> <strong>Away until user list</strong></p> If you have any learners that are currently away from the business and you have set their status to away you see them listed in this report.</p> <strong>Objectives</strong></p> This displays the objectives that have been set for your users.<span> This report has an additional date filter so you can filter by all, by a rolling period or by a fixed date range.</span></p> <strong>Skills</strong></p> If you have added skills on your courses, this report will track the skills delegates have developed through which course. All courses and staff filters are disabled on this report.</p> <strong>Learning log summary</strong></p> This report provides by learner the total number of learning log entries, total hours and broken down by learning log category.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-reporting/other-reports/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Reporting","Overview of reporting","The reporting suite in Breeio provides simple, clear access to the key data that confirms learner progress, and high-impact evidence so that stakeholders outside L&amp;D and HR can understand the big difference you make to your business.</p> <strong>Access to reports</strong></p> Administrators and Group Managers have access to the Reporting area (Group Managers will see data for learners in their groups only). If you use Line Managers, they will have access to their team reports from their homepage. </p> <strong>Available reports</strong></p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Dashboard</strong></td> <td>Provides a quick snapshot of usage, completions and validity along with notifications of actions that are required. If you have saved any surveys and reports you will also find them on your Dashboard. </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Group Aggregates</strong></td> <td>This report shows either 'validity' or 'assignment' details for all courses and all people which is then split by group categories. You can either scroll down to the next group or use the drop down menu. You can click directly into an item which will take you into the courses overview report e.g. if I wanted to look at a specific location (Cambridge) I can click on Cambridge and I would see the courses overview report for the Cambridge location only.</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Courses overview</strong></td> <td>This report shows either 'validity' or 'assignment' details for everyone assigned to the course. You can click directly onto a course which will take you into the Course breakdown report.</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Course breakdown</strong></td> <td>This report provides a list of all courses for you to drill down into to look at completion data. You can click on a user's name which will take you into the User overview report. The date filters work from the course assignment date.</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>User overview</strong></td> <td>This report lists all users with columns for total number of courses assigned, percentage not started, in progress, failed, passed, valid and the number of award points they have. If you want to view more information, click on the user's name to see a breakdown of course information. There are a number of actions you can do from this page - manually log training, email the user and assign training. </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Other reports</strong></td> <td>You'll find a number of different reports and any bespoke reports in this section. </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Learning log</strong></td> <td>A log of all training completed by all users. Central administrators can manually log training. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <strong>Validity and assignment</strong></p> Reports can be presented in different ways on screen - either by validity or by assignment.</p> Validity view shows the status of learners who <strong>need</strong> to complete a course, including those that have renewals. It is the best way of looking at your training performance if you have courses that expire and need to be renewed.</p> By default, validity view only displays mandatory training that isn't 'Expired, not required' and does not display Optional assignments because learners <strong>do not</strong> need to complete these courses. You can use the filters (see section below) to change the default view if you want to look at the data differently.</p> Assignment view shows the progress against <strong>current</strong> assignments (mandatory and optional) for the courses and learners you have selected. </p> <strong>Report filters</strong></p> All reports can be filtered so you can set the criteria you need when generating a report.</p> Quick filters at the bottom of the reporting page</p> <img src='/media/zfkjpv4f/image.png' alt=''></p> Filter options to drill down to a more granular level</p> <img src='/media/m10dgq41/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Filter by status</strong></p> This provides you with compliance and optional/mandatory filters to enable you to create a report that will display the data you need to see.</p> As detailed above the default setting of 'validity view' will display data for assignments people need to do. If you wanted to include data for courses that learners have done but no longer need to do select the 'Expired, no longer required' option in the compliance filters. </p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/qqqnglrr/image.png?width=326&amp;height=262&amp;mode=max' alt='' width='326' height='262'></p> If you want to see data for optional assignments, use the 'Optional' filter. This will present data relating to optional assignments that are In progress or have a valid completion. If you want to include data for courses that learners have done but no longer need to do select the 'Expired, no longer required' option in the compliance filters. </p>  </p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/eyeghf1c/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Saving and downloading reports</strong></p> For all reports you have the ability to save or download to an Excel spreadsheet or PDF document.</p> When you save a report it will sit in the reports section of your Dashboard and you can schedule it to be sent to other people. </p> Downloading your report to Excel is great if you want to manipulate the data or merge with another internal report you might have whereas the PDF provides a snapshot of the data along with some great visuals and colour indicators.</p> Example of a report downloaded to an Excel file</p> <img src='/media/4b1ntkku/image.png' alt=''></p> Example of a report downloaded as a PDF</p> <img src='/media/5bbdroo4/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-reporting/overview-of-reporting/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Reporting","Auto-completing, resetting and changing target dates","When you are in the Course breakdown and User overview reports you can click on the 'Assignments' icon and you can manually change a user's training record, so that it is marked as complete, reset the status to 'not started' or change the target date.</p> <strong>Auto-complete</strong></p> Use this option when you're aware the individual has completed a course - perhaps they completed the course before joining your organisation and they have brought in a certificate demonstrating the score they achieved in an assessment.</p> Enter the completion date, the score (only applicable if it's a scored course in Breeio) and select the user you want to show as complete.</p> The record will display as auto completed by admin.</p> <p class='pullout'>This feature will enable you to auto-complete a course where the individual has a current open assignment. If you want to auto-complete the individual on a course where there isn't a current open assignment, you can do this through the Log icon.</p> <img src='/media/s5ti5g33/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Re-set the course status</strong></p> Use this option when you want to re-set the course status to 'not started'.</p> Select the users you want to re-set and you can choose if you want to remove associated completions from learning logs or to leave any existing completion data in the log.</p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Caution</strong> is advised when using this feature as the action is irreversible.</p> <img src='/media/vrpim4rx/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Change target dates</strong></p> Use this option when you want to change the target completion date for the course. This option is only available for courses that <strong>don't have a fixed target date</strong>.</p> Select a new target date, add the reason for the change, select the users you want the new date to apply to and click on 'apply'. </p> <img src='/media/iwtdb4dy/image.png' alt=''></p> The reason will be available in the course log for the user:</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/vpnhks0u/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-reporting/auto-completing-resetting-and-changing-target-dates/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Reporting","Logs","The <strong>Logs</strong> section at the end of each table column on the report page keeps a complete record of all course activity. It’s where you can track everything from course progress to classroom attendance.</p> <h4><img src='/media/alnpd0af/image.png' alt=''></h4> <strong>What’s in the Logs?</strong></p> Logs offer a detailed history of all actions within a course, including:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Completion Records</strong> - see when a course or module is finished.</li> <li><strong>Resets</strong> - check if a course was restarted.</li> <li><strong>Passes and Fails</strong> -  tracks successful completions and any failed attempts.</li> <li><strong>Event Tracking</strong> - shows when someone is booked, their attendance status, and reasons for any absences.</li> </ul>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-reporting/logs/"LINE BREAK "Admin - Courses and resources","Adding e-learning SCORM or xAPI module","Like any other type of module, an e-learning SCORM 1.2 or Tin-Can module will sit inside a course and can be blended with other training opportunities (eg. Classroom, resources, practical activities, etc).</p> To upload a SCORM or xAPI module, go to the <strong>Content area</strong> and click on the <strong>Modules tab</strong>.</p> 1. Click on Upload SCORM xAPI</p> <img src='/media/k2xfqsrv/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Select .zip file you wish to upload. You will either have exported this from an authoring tool or been given .zip files from your content provider. These are special zip files with a very specific structure that makes them readable by the learning management system.</p> 3. Type a number in the Estimated duration field to specify how long the average user will take to complete the module. This must be a whole number of minutes.</p> 4. Tick the box if the module is an exam or marked assessment.</p> <img src='/media/k4ulxbfk/image.png' alt=''>5. If you want to add version control to your module complete the details in the Review Summary module pane.</p> <img src='/media/hhkla4hg/image.png' alt=''></p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Top tip </strong>- use this area when you make changes to a module so you can keep track of what the changes were and when they took place. </p> If you add a date in the 'Review date' field, it will appear in the 'Review date' column on the module summary page. The module will change to a<strong> bold </strong>format when the review date has been reached. This will help you to manage your workflow of reviewing content.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/adding-e-learning-scorm-or-xapi-module/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Adding file upload module","Like other types of modules, a File module will sit inside a course and can be blended with other training opportunities (eg. e-learning, resources, classroom, etc).</p> To add a File module, go to the <strong>Content area</strong> and click on the <strong>Modules tab</strong>.</p> 1. Click on 'New Module' and click on 'Upload a video'.</p> <img src='/media/sisiy0fe/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Select the file to upload which will open the module details page.</p> <img src='/media/jjxnqllg/image.png' alt=''></p> 3. The module title will be populated with the name of the file - you can change this.</p> 4. Write a description of the module for learners. (This description appears on the Course page.) If you want a hard line break to appear in the displayed text, use the Return key.</p> 5. If you are uploading a PDF file you can Select the play mode you want:</p> <ul> <li>Download</li> <li>Open in Browser</li> <li>Play - this will track the user's progress, bookmark the page they're on for next time and will complete the module on Breeio</li> <li>Play (no download) - as above but the users are not provided with the ability to download the file</li> </ul> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/vpwbt0ry/image.png' alt=''></p> 6. Type a number in the Estimated Duration field to specify how long the average learner will take to complete the module. This must be a whole number of minutes.</p> <span>7. If you want to add version control to your module complete the details in the Review Summary module pane.</span></p> <img src='/media/a4cpy0qk/image.png' alt=''></p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Top tip </strong>- use this area when you make changes to a module so you can keep track of what the changes were and when they took place. </p> If you add a date in the 'Review date' field, it will appear in the 'Review date' column on the module summary page. The module will change to a<strong> bold </strong>format when the review date has been reached. This will help you to manage your workflow of reviewing content.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/adding-file-upload-module/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Adding a weblink module","Like other types of modules, a Weblink module will sit inside a course and can be blended with other training opportunities (eg. e-learning, resources, classroom, etc).</p> To add a Video module, go to the <strong>Content area</strong> and click on the <strong>Modules tab</strong>.</p> 1. Click on 'New Module'</p> <img src='/media/ztggsgzf/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Click on the Add a Weblink option to open up the module details page</p> <img src='/media/imsgfdcs/image.png' alt=''></p> 3. Enter the title of the new module.</p> 4. Write a description of the module for learners. (This description appears when learners look at the course page and when the pop-up appears with the web link.) If you want a hard line break to appear in the displayed text, use the Return key.</p> 5. Enter the URL of the web page (the easiest way is to go to the page in a web browser, copy the address from the browser's address bar and paste it into the URL field).</p> 6. Type a number in the Estimated Duration field to specify how long the average user will take to read the web page. This must be a whole number of minutes.</p> 7. If you want to add version control to your module complete the details in the Review Summary module pane.</p> <img src='/media/lwebaxsz/image.png' alt=''></p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Top tip </strong>- use this area when you make changes to a module so you can keep track of what the changes were and when they took place. </p> If you add a date in the 'Review date' field, it will appear in the 'Review date' column on the module summary page. The module will change to a<strong> bold </strong>format when the review date has been reached. This will help you to manage your workflow of reviewing content.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/adding-a-weblink-module/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Adding a practical module","Like other types of modules, a practical module will sit inside a course and can be blended with other training opportunities (eg. e-learning, resources, classroom, etc).</p> A practical module can be used to:</p> <ul> <li>Ask the learner to answer a question and/or reflect on something</li> <li>Ask the learner to complete an off-line task and then upload evidence (eg. a completed worksheet)</li> <li>Ask the learner just to acknowledge that they are ready to meet with their manager* (eg. for an end-of-induction 'sign-off')</li> <li>Allow the manager to review comments and then sign-off the task</li> <li>Allow the manager to add comments and sign-off</li> <li>Allow the manager to add a score for an offline activity (eg. a competency check)</li> </ul> <p class='pullout'><strong>*Manager</strong> will be the Line Manager if that feature is being used on your Breeio. Otherwise, the Group Manager and Administrators will be able to sign-off practical modules.</p> To add a Practical module, go to the <strong>Content area</strong> and click on the <strong>Modules tab</strong>.</p> 1. Click on New Module</p> <img src='/media/bt1pnl3v/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Click on the Create practical option to open up the module details page</p> <img src='/media/0cwfqvc0/image.png' alt=''></p> 3. Complete the details on the module page to configure it specific to your requirements:</p> <table border='1' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2' style='width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; height: 54px;'> <tbody> <tr style='height: 18px;'> <td style='width: 19.0382%; height: 18px;'><strong>Title</strong></td> <td style='width: 80.9618%; height: 18px;'>Enter the title for your practical module - this title will appear on the course page.</td> </tr> <tr style='height: 18px;'> <td style='width: 19.0382%; height: 18px;'><strong> Description</strong></td> <td style='width: 80.9618%; height: 18px;'>Enter a description of your module - this will appear on the course page. </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 18px;'> <td style='width: 19.0382%; height: 18px;'><strong>Sign off</strong></td> <td style='width: 80.9618%; height: 18px;'> There are a number of options to choose from:</p> <ul> <li><strong>By learner only</strong> - module will complete when the learner confirms</li> <li><strong>By manager only</strong> - module will complete when the manager confirms via the Approvals area in My Teams</li> <li><strong>By learner first, then manager </strong>- will require both the learner and manager to confirm to complete the module</li> <li><strong>By learner first, then designated user(s)</strong> - will require both the learner and a designated user to confirm to complete the module. See the designated user(s) sign off section below to see how this works</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 19.0382%;'><strong>Instructions for Learner</strong></td> <td style='width: 80.9618%;'> Enter the instructions for the learner so they understand what they need to do before confirming the module. This will appear on the module pop-up.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 19.0382%;'><strong>Instructions for Manager</strong></td> <td style='width: 80.9618%;'> Enter the instructions for the manager or designated user so they understand what they need to do before confirming the module. This will appear on the approval pop-up.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 19.0382%;'><strong>User response</strong></td> <td style='width: 80.9618%;'> Select how you want the learner to respond:</p> <ul> <li><strong>None </strong>- the learner will not need to provide a response</li> <li><strong>Written response (short) </strong>- a text box will be provided for the learner to write a short response</li> <li><strong>Written response (long) </strong>- a text box will be provided for the learner to write a long response</li> <li><strong>Pre-defined questions</strong> - when selected a new create questions button will be provided for you to enter questions you would like the learner and/or manager to answer</li> </ul> <img src='/media/ny1fomuc/image.png' alt=''></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 19.0382%;'><strong>AI</strong> <strong>feedback</strong></td> <td style='width: 80.9618%;'> Select if you would like the learner to have access to the AI assistant for feedback:</p> <ul> <li><strong>None </strong>- AI feedback button will not appear for learner</li> <li><strong>Feedback and best practice guidance</strong> - will provide the learner with feedback and provide guidance based on best practice</li> <li><strong>Feedback and evaluation (poor, good, excellent) </strong>- will provide the learner with an evaluation of their response</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 19.0382%;'><strong>Document uploads</strong></td> <td style='width: 80.9618%;'> Select if you want the learner to be able to upload a documents and specify the requirements:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Document upload not allowed </strong>- document upload function is not available to learner or manager</li> <li><strong>Document upload allowed</strong> - document upload function is available to learner and manager</li> <li><strong>At least one document must be uploaded (by either the learner or the manager)</strong> - the module cannot be completed with at least one document being uploaded</li> <li><strong>Learner must upload at least one document first</strong> - the learner cannot confirm the module without uploading at least one document</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 19.0382%;'><strong>Upload files</strong></td> <td style='width: 80.9618%;'> Upload a document here that will be available to the learner and manager to view and download on the module - you might want to provide a document they need to complete and then re-upload it as part of the module completion.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 19.0382%;'><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td style='width: 80.9618%;'> Tick the box if the module is an assessment scored by the manager or designated user. The pass mark will be added in the course content area.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 19.0382%;'><strong>Estimated duration</strong></td> <td style='width: 80.9618%;'> Enter the estimated duration of the module</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 4. If you want to add version control to your module complete the details in the Review Summary module pane.</p> <img src='/media/hmtny30c/image.png' alt=''></p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Top tip </strong>- use this area when you make changes to a module so you can keep track of what the changes were and when they took place. </p> If you add a date in the 'Review date' field, it will appear in the 'Review date' column on the module summary page. The module will change to a<strong> bold </strong>format when the review date has been reached, this will help you to manage your workflow of reviewing content.</p> <strong>Choosing the sign off option by learner first, then designated user(s)</strong></p> For some modules it might be more appropriate for a subject matter expert or someone other than the users manager to sign off the module. In these cases select the sign off option 'By learner first, then designated user(s)'.</p> <img src='/media/f3vayqy0/image.png' alt=''></p> You can select one or more individuals or a group.</p> When confirming the module. the learner will be presented with a list of names and will select the name of the individual who will sign off the module.</p> The selected individual will be sent an email (overnight) to advise them they have a new sign off which they can access via a link in the email. Clicking on the link will open the sign off pop-up where they can review the learner's response, add their comments, answer questions, upload documents (the specific requirements will depend on the module configuration) and sign off or send the module back to the learner.</p> When the designated user has signed off the module it will be complete.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/adding-a-practical-module/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","How can a practical module be used","Practical modules allow you to ask the learner to provide a written response or upload a document that may or not be viewed and signed-off by a manager.</p> The following are situations in which Practical Modules would be useful:</p> <strong>1. Ask the learner to reflect on something they have learned and ask them to apply it to their work</strong></p> For example, 'Following the Feedback video, what will you change about how you give feedback to colleagues?'</p> In the example below the learner will enter their reflection but the manager will not be asked to sign it off.</p> <img src='/media/0suldnkh/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>2. Ask the learner to complete an offline activity sheet and submit it for review/marking.</strong></p> <p dir='ltr'>In the example below the learner is asked to download a document from the resources section of the course, complete it and upload it for the manager to review. Alternatively, you could ask the learner to give the completed worksheet to their manager rather than upload (avoiding the need to scan the document and upload). In this case, you would remove the 'Learner must upload at least one document first' requirement. If you want the manager to be able to upload the marked document when signing off the module, enable 'At least one document must be uploaded' on Document upload. If you want the worksheet to be marked and given a score, tick the 'Assessment' option.</p> <img src='/media/03nlfxj0/2024-12-16_14-54-41.png' alt=''></p> <strong>3. Allow the manager to sign-off the competency of an individual before they progress with the rest of the course, or at the end of a course</strong></p> In the example below, this Practical Module could be set as a required last item in a course. The learner is only asked to confirm (tick a box) to let the manager know they are ready for the off-line competency check. The manager will be alerted that they have sign-offs to complete and will be able to complete the sign-offs via their Approvals area in My Team when they log in to Breeio.</p> <img src='/media/wi5md3pf/2024-12-16_14-54-41-png-22.png' alt=''></p> <strong>4. Allow someone other than the Manager to sign off the practical module</strong></p> For some modules it might be more appropriate for a subject matter expert or someone other than the users manager to sign off the module. In these cases select the sign off option 'By learner first, then designated user(s)'.</p> <img src='/media/bl2ponfd/image.png' alt=''></p> You can select one or more individuals or a group.</p> When confirming the module. the learner will be presented with a list of names and will select the name of the individual who will sign off the module.</p> The selected individual will be sent an email (overnight) to advise them they have a new sign off which they can access via a link in the email. Clicking on the link will open the sign off pop-up where they can review the learner's response, add their comments, answer questions, upload documents (the specific requirements will depend on the module configuration) and sign off or send the module back to the learner.</p> When the designated user has signed off the module it will be complete.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/how-can-a-practical-module-be-used/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Assigning a mandatory course to all learners","After building your course, you need to add assignment rules so the right learners have access to complete it.</p> It's important to remember if your course is 'live' it will appear immediately for your learners. To avoid this, go back and change the course status to 'under construction' before adding the assignments - you can do this in the 'course details' pane.</p> When you have a mandatory course that you want every learner to complete follow the steps below:</p> 1. Go to the Assignments pane</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/recfsd30/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Click on Assign to all - this will assign the course to all learners - those active <em>and</em> those who join in the future. In the screen shot below you can now see that 467 learners have been assigned to the course and you can even click on the 'see names' link if you wanted to check the list and download the list into an Excel file.</p> <img src='/media/dcqkglcq/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Assigning to 'all' but with some conditions</strong></p> You may want to make an assignment to all learners, but you may not want this to apply to everyone who joins in the future, or you don't want it to apply to everyone who has been with the organisation for years. Below are some tips on how to handle these conditions:</p> In the 'Course details' pane, you can add dates to these two fields to manage the exceptions:</p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Auto suspend date</strong></td> <td> Automatically suspends a course on this date. This might be useful if you have used a Fixed Target Date and <strong>you do not want new joiners to be assigned the course after this date</strong>. Suspending the course will stop it from being assigned to new people and will remove un-started assignments. It will retain in-progress assignments and completions, and the ability to look at the module content. The course will still show in reports and the Learning Log, etc.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Effective date</strong></td> <td> <strong>Learners with a Joining Date on or after this date will be assigned</strong> (if they are assigned via other methods). Entering a date here will stop the assignment to anyone with either: No joining date or a joining date before the effective date.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 3. Change the status to 'live' - if your course is 'under construction', the status needs to be changed to 'live' for the assignment rules to be effective.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/assigning-a-mandatory-course-to-all-learners/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Assigning an optional course to all learners","After building your course, you need to add assignment rules so the right learners have access to complete it.</p> It's important to remember if your course is 'live' it will appear immediately for your learners. To avoid this, go back and change the course status to 'under construction' before adding the assignments - you can do this in the 'course details' pane.</p> When you have an optional course that you want every learner to have access to follow the steps below:</p> 1. Go to the Assignments pane</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/co3njt1l/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Click on Optional for all - this will assign the course to all learners - both those who are currently on Breeio <em>and</em> any new joiners. In the screen shot below you can now see that 467 learners have been assigned to the course and you can even click on the 'see names' link if you wanted to check the list.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/4qkelcvc/image.png' alt=''></p> <p class='pullout'>If you have used the Effective Date option when creating the course, this will <strong>not</strong> apply to the optional assignment you make.</p> 3. Select the approval process - as you will see in the above screen shot, when you click on the Optional for all button you are then presented with a number of approval options. Here's some information to help you to understand the available options:</p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>No approval required for optional courses</strong></td> <td> The learner can select and complete the course without requesting approval.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Manager only</strong></td> <td> The Line Manager or Group Manager will be notified in the 'My Teams' section to approve the request.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Central only</strong></td> <td> The Central Administrator will be notified in the 'My Teams' section to approve the learning request.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Both manager and central</strong></td> <td> The Line Manager or Group Manager will be notified in the 'My Teams' section to approve and then Central Administrator will be notified in the 'My Teams' section to approve the learning request.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 4. Set the criteria of the approvals process - if you select any of the three options that require an approval you will be presented with the box below to complete:</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/gdxlmaq1/image.png' alt=''></p> 5. Change the status to 'live' - if your course is 'under construction', the status needs to be changed to 'live' for the assignment rules to be effective.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/assigning-an-optional-course-to-all-learners/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Assigning a mandatory course to specific learners","After building your course, you need to add assignment rules so the right learners have access to complete it.</p> It's important to remember if your course is 'live' it will appear immediately for your learners. To avoid this, go back and change the course status to 'under construction' before adding assignments - you can do this in the 'course details' pane.</p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Important:</strong> Assignments to groups will assign the course to all learners in the group, <em>and</em> any who join the group in the future. Those who leave the group may have the course un-assigned if they have not started the course and if they are not assigned it via any of their other groups.</p> When you have a mandatory course that you need only a specific group, groups or individuals to complete, follow the steps below:</p> 1. Go to the Assignments pane</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/lcvhe4fc/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Click on Assign to selected groups and individuals - there are a number of ways to assign:</p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Assign by group</strong></td> <td> You can select the group(s) you want to assign the course to</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Add individuals</strong></td> <td> You can select specific individuals you want to assign the course to</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Exempt groups</strong></td> <td> Once selected by group, you can de-select certain group(s) so they are not assigned the course</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Exempt individuals</strong></td> <td> Once selected by group, you can de-select certain individuals so they are not assigned the course</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 3. Click the apply button - this will apply the assignment rules and you can click 'x' to come out of the pop-up box. It's worth remembering if you have got a little confused with the boxes you have selected it might be easier to click the 'x' and start again rather than applying the assignment rules incorrectly.</p> 4. Check the assignment rules - when you return to the assignment pane you can see how the course will be assigned, check the number of learners and click into the list of names. If something doesn't look quite right, click on the Edit button to review and make any changes.</p> 5. Change the status to 'live' - if your course is 'under construction', the status needs to be changed to 'live' for the assignment rules to be effective.</p> Let's have a look at Assign by group in more detail:</p> Using the drop down list select the group you want to assign the course to e.g. by location, by department, by role. You can then filter that group e.g. remove a department or you can add to the group e.g. add a job role.</p> Let's look at some examples:</p> <strong>Example one - you want all learners in the East of England region to complete a Data Protection course:</strong></p> 1. Select Region from the drop down list</p> <img src='/media/b4ljh32f/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Place a tick in the box next to East of England - you will notice the number of learners has changed to 249 and you can view the names</p> <img src='/media/nkgddjtv/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Example two - you want learners in specific departments (Finance, Legal and Human Resources) in the East of England region to complete a Data Protection course:</strong></p> 1. Select Region from the drop down list</p> <strong><img src='/media/a1ra2c2d/image.png' alt=''></strong></p> 2. Place a tick in the box next to East of England</p> <img src='/media/gzhmaqrm/image.png' alt=''></p> 3. Click on Filter by other groups and select department from the drop down list</p> <img src='/media/o0mlbnas/image.png' alt=''></p> 4. Select Finance, Human Resources and Legal departments - you will see the number of learners has reduced because you are filtering out the departments you don't need to assign the course to</p> <img src='/media/t0uhy21t/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Example three - you want all learners in the East of England region plus any learner in a management position (in any region) to complete a Data Protection course.</strong></p> 1. Select Region from the drop down list</p> <img src='/media/42ubi2ld/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Place a tick in the box next to East of England</p> <img src='/media/u0kawnuh/image.png' alt=''></p> 3. Click on Add other groups and select role from the drop down list</p> <img src='/media/rt3iwkzg/image.png' alt=''></p> 4. Select all the Manager roles - you will see the number of learners has increased because you are adding learners to the original East of England group</p> <img src='/media/l4zaudr1/image.png' alt=''></p> <p style='padding-left: 40px;'> </p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/assigning-a-mandatory-course-to-specific-learners/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Assigning an optional course to specific learners","After building your course, you need to add assignment rules so the right learners have access to complete it.</p> It's important to remember if your course is 'live' it will appear immediately for your learners. To avoid this, go back and change the course status to 'under construction' before adding the assignments - you can do this in the 'course details' pane.</p> When you have an optional course that you want specific learners (a group, groups or named individuals) to have access to, follow the steps below.</p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Important:</strong> Optional assignments to groups will make the course available to all learners in the group, <em>and</em> any who join the group in the future. Those who leave the group may no longer have access to the course if they have not started the course and if they are not assigned it via any of their other groups.</p> 1. Go to the Assignments pane</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/0ylb4whh/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Click on Optional for selected groups and individuals - there are two ways to assign:</p> <table border='0' cellspacing='3' cellpadding='3' style='margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;'> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Assign by group</strong></td> <td> You can select the group(s) you want to assign the course to</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Add individuals</strong></td> <td> You can select specific individuals you want to assign the course to</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class='pullout'>If you have used the Effective Date option when creating the course, this will <strong>not</strong> apply to the optional assignment you make.</p> 3. Click the apply button - this will apply the assignment rules and you can click 'x' to come out of the pop-up box. It's worth remembering if you have got a little confused with the boxes you have selected it might be easier to click the 'x' and start again rather than applying the assignment rules incorrectly.</p> 4. Check the assignment rules - when you return to the assignment pane you can see how the course will be assigned, check the number of learners and click into the list of names. If something doesn't look quite right, click on the Edit button to review and make any changes.</p> 5. Select the approval process - there are a number of approval options you can choose from:</p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td> <strong>No approval required for optional courses</strong></p> </td> <td>The learner can select and complete the course without requesting approval.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>Manager only</strong></p> </td> <td>The Line Manager or Group Manager will be notified in the 'My Teams' section to approve the request.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>Central only</strong></p> </td> <td>The Central Administrator will be notified in the 'My Teams' section to approve the learning request.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>Both manager and central</strong></p> </td> <td> Line Manager or Group Manager will be notified in the 'My Teams' section to approve and then the Central Administrator will be notified to approve the learning request.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 6. Set the criteria of the approvals process - if you select any of the three options that require an approval you will be presented with the box below to complete:</p> <img src='/media/3fgmtnfj/image.png' alt=''></p> 7. Change the status to 'live' - if your course is 'under construction', the status needs to be changed to 'live' for the assignment rules to be effective.</p> Let's have a look at Assign by group in more detail:</p> Using the drop down list select the group you want to assign the course to e.g. by location, by department, by role. You can then filter that group e.g. remove a department or you can add to the group e.g. add a job role.</p> Let's look at some examples:</p> <strong>Example one - you want to make the Developing your communications skills course available to your learners in the Cambridge and Norwich locations.</strong></p> 1. Select Location from the drop down list</p> <strong><img src='/media/h5yldqq4/image.png' alt=''></strong></p> 2. Place a tick in the box next to Cambridge and Norwich - you will notice the number of learners has changed to 153 learners and you can view the names on the list.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/cutj1uuy/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Example two - you want to make the Developing your communications skills course available to your learners in the Cambridge and Norwich locations but only those who have the job role 'Customer Assistant'.</strong></p> 1. Select Location from the drop down list</p> <img src='/media/h5yldqq4/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Place a tick in the box next to Cambridge and Norwich</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/3xelbnxx/image.png' alt=''></p>  </p> 3. Click on Filter by other groups and select Job role</p> <img src='/media/absbzrco/image.png' alt=''></p> 4. Select Customer Assistant - you will see the number of learners has reduced because you are filtering out the learners in the two locations who you don't want to make the course available to</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/puxjdz50/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Example three - you want to make the Developing your communications skills course available to your learners in the Cambridge and Norwich locations plus any other learner in other locations that work in the Customer Services department.</strong></p> 1. Select Location from the drop down list</p> <img src='/media/h5yldqq4/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Place a tick in the box next to Cambridge and Norwich</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/3xelbnxx/image.png' alt=''></p> 3. Click on Add other groups and select Department</p> <img src='/media/0vvohszd/image.png' alt=''></p> 4. Click on the Customer Service department - you will see the number of learners has increased because you are adding all those learners who work in Customer Services</p>  </p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/a0xevxtk/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/assigning-an-optional-course-to-specific-learners/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Assigning courses","Assigning the course is an important step in the development of your course, it ensures the right learners have access to complete it.</p> There are a few things for you to consider:</p> <ol> <li>Do you want the course to be mandatory or optional?</li> <li>Do you want to make the course available to all learners or to specific groups of individuals?</li> </ol> Using the options in the 'Assignments' pane (see image below) you can create the assignment rules for your course.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/g4rlzaeo/image.png' alt=''></p> To understand more about the different options available read the help articles below.</p> Let's have a look at some of the principles to remember when assigning courses.</p> <strong>A course can be mandatory and optional</strong></p> You might want a course to be mandatory for a group of learners but optional for another group of learners, for example you want a Customer Services skills course to be mandatory for all learners in the Customer Services department but optional for learners in all other departments.</p> In this example we have assigned the course as mandatory for the Customer Service department and then under the 'optional' section we have assigned to all other departments.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/5lnfk2in/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Assigning to groups</strong></p> Assigning by group will make the course available to all learners in that group, <em>and</em> any who join the groups in the future. Those who leave the group may no longer have access to the course if they have not started the course and if they are not assigned it via any of their other groups.</p> <strong>Filtering and adding groups</strong></p> This feature is useful to make the course available to very specific groups of people.</p> Moving across the screen using the 'filter by group' feature will reduce the size of your learner group:</p> In the example below we have used the filter options to make the course available for learners in the Cambridge, Canary Wharf and Edinburgh locations, that work in the Administrative, Finance and Human Resources departments and work in an Admin Assistant role.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/p4qhdnxt/image.png' alt=''></p> Moving downwards using the 'add a group' button will increase the size of your learner group:</p> In the example below we have made the course available to all learners in the East of England region and then added the job role of Customer Assistant so the training group has increased in size because we have added learners who have this job role across the organisation.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/zf0lhbwm/image.png' alt=''></p> You can even filter groups and add groups together, for example:</p> If I want only learners in Human Resources, Customer Service, Admin in the East of England plus any learner in a Customer Assistant role across the organisation - I would filter the East of England location by department (HR, Customer Service and Admin) and then add the Customer Assistant role:</p> <img src='/media/cnqis22q/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Assigning to 'all' but with some conditions</strong></p> You may want to make an assignment to all learners, but you may not want this to apply to everyone who joins in the future, or you don't want it to apply to everyone who has been with the organisation for years. Below are some tips on how to handle these conditions:</p> In the 'Course details' pane, you can add dates to these two fields to manage the exceptions:</p> <table border='0' cellspacing='3' cellpadding='3' style='height: 219px;'> <tbody> <tr style='height: 137px;'> <td style='height: 137px;'> <strong>Auto suspend date:</strong></p> </td> <td style='height: 137px;'> Automatically suspends a course on this date. This might be useful if you have used a Fixed Target Date and <strong>you do not want new joiners to be assigned the course after this date</strong>. Suspending the course will stop it from being assigned to new people and will remove un-started assignments. It will retain in-progress assignments and completions, and the ability to look at the module content. The course will still show in reports and the Learning Log, etc.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 82px;'> <td style='height: 82px;'> <strong>Effective date:</strong></p> </td> <td style='height: 82px;'> <strong>Learners with a joining date on or after this date will be assigned</strong><span> (if they are assigned via other methods). Entering a date here will stop the assignment to anyone with either: No joining date or a joining date before the effective date.</span><span></span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <strong>Making changes to existing assignments</strong></p> You need to be cautious when making such changes - think through the impacts of the change because removing groups will mean <strong>all</strong> learners in that group will no longer have access to the course. If a learner has started a course they will still have access to complete it and records of completions will stay in individual learning logs and reporting.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/assigning-courses/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Learner experience when signing up to an optional course","The course creator will select if the course will be mandatory or optional in the assignments section when creating a new course. <span class='blue'></span><span class='blue'></span></p> When an optional course is created (for all learners or for specific learners) the creator will be presented with different approval options:</p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td> <strong>No approval required for optional courses</strong></p> </td> <td>The learner can sign up and complete the course without requesting approval.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>Manager only</strong></p> </td> <td>The Line Manager or Group Manager will need to approve the request.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>Central only</strong></p> </td> <td>The Central Administration team will need to approve the request.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>Both Manager and Central</strong></p> </td> <td> Both the Line Manager or Group Manager and the Central Administration team will need to approve the request.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> When the learner signs up for a course their experience will depend on a number of factors including if approval is required and if the course contains an Instructor-led module. Let's look at some examples to demonstrate the different processes.</p> <strong>Scenario one - no approval</strong></p> The learner is able to add the course into their assigned courses by clicking on the course tile, clicking on the 'add this course' button and can start the course to take them straight into the course page.</p> <img src='/media/1dyokhyi/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Scenario two - approval required from Manager</strong></p> When approval is required the learner will be asked to add some detail to support their request - they might be required to upload documentation to add further support. They will be advised their request has been sent to their Manager for approval.</p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Remember </strong>- after the manager approval the request might be sent to the Central Administration team for approval or it might have been created so it requires approval from the Central Administration team only.</p> <img src='/media/vvmjqvtf/image.png' alt=''></p> The Manager will receive a notification in the approvals section on their homepage to approve or reject the approval.</p> The learner will receive an email to confirm the decision and if the request has been approved the course will be available to the learner in the assigned courses section.</p> <strong>Scenario three - optional course containing an Instructor-led module</strong></p> When the learner clicks to add this type of course to their assigned courses, they will be asked if they want to 'pre-book a date' or 'select a date later' for the Instructor-led module.</p> If there are dates scheduled in the Training calendar they will be presented on screen for the learner to select one that suits them. They can click on the event to view further details about it.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/b0zo1qlq/image.png' alt=''></p> If they choose 'select date later' the course will be added into their assigned courses and they will receive a notification on their homepage that they are required to book a date.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/ibloi15u/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/learner-experience-when-signing-up-to-an-optional-course/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Approving requests for optional courses","Depending on how the course creator set the course up, Line or Group Managers or the Central Administration team might be required to approve a request for a learner to complete an optional course.</p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td> <strong>No approval required for optional courses</strong></p> </td> <td>The learner can sign up and complete the course without requesting approval.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>Manager only</strong></p> </td> <td> The Line Manager or Group Manager will need to approve the request.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>Central only</strong></p> </td> <td> The Central Administration team will need to approve the request.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>Both Manager and Central</strong></p> </td> <td>The Line Manager or Group Manager will need to approve the request first and then the Central Administration team will approve the request.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Managers and/or the Central Administration team will receive a notification in the 'My Team' section on their homepage.</p> <strong>Step 1 </strong>- click on the 'My Team' tile.</p> <img src='/media/20ohp1lx/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Step 2 </strong>- The 'My Team' screen might look different to the screen shot below - if you have a large team or are a central administrator the team list might be collapsed rather than listed in full. Click on the item you need to approve.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/xj2pcqtp/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Step 3 </strong>- you're now in the learner's record and you can click on the item under the approvals section to open up the details.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/nd4huu5h/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Step 4 </strong>- read through the request and make your decision to 'approve' or 'reject' the request. Add rationale into the comments section. The learner will receive an email confirming the decision which will include the comments.</p> <img src='/media/vn3lcqqy/image.png' alt=''></p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Remember </strong>- the request may go to The Central Administration team to approve after the manager or it might go straight to The Central Administration team depending on the approval process selected (see above).</p> <strong>Managing the approval process if there is a classroom module</strong></p> The learner will be provided with two options when signing up to a course with a classroom module:</p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td> <strong>Prebook a date</strong></p> </td> <td> If an event has been added to the training calendar the learner will be provided with the available dates and they can select a preferred date</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>Select date later</strong></p> </td> <td> The learner may prefer not to select a date at this point or it could be an event hasn't been scheduled yet - so they can click on this option</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> The notification and approval process works exactly the same as above however, when approving the course you will need to consider your resource plan as the learner will be required to attend a session on a particular date and time. This information will be available to you:</p> <strong>Event date not specified</strong></p> <strong><img src='/media/yn5mr32d/image.png' alt=''></strong></p> <strong>Event date selected</strong></p> <strong><img src='/media/arrn3amf/image.png' alt=''></strong></p> <strong>Useful reports to help manage the demand of classroom modules</strong></p> The Central Administration team will schedule events and will find it useful to use a combination of reports to help manage this.</p> The reports are found in the 'other reports' area.</p> <table border='0' style='width: 772px;'> <tbody> <tr> <td style='width: 166px;'> <strong>Optional courses pending approval</strong></p> </td> <td style='width: 606px;'> This report details all requests for courses awaiting approval by the manager and/or central admin.<br><br>It will provide you with a sense check of what the demand is like for the course and help you to estimate the number of classroom events you'll need to put on.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 166px;'> <strong>Pending classroom bookings</strong></p> </td> <td style='width: 606px;'> This report displays learners enrolled onto a course with a classroom module but the learner has not booked onto an event yet.<br><br>This will help you with a your capacity planning - do you have enough events scheduled or do you need to add new events?<br><br>It could be there aren't any dates scheduled and that's why the learner didn't book a date - so it's a good idea to keep an eye on this report to help you to keep on top of your scheduling.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 166px;'> <strong>Upcoming classroom bookings</strong></p> </td> <td style='width: 606px;'> This reports all current classroom bookings - remember you can use the filters if you want to look at a date range or for a particular course.<br><br>It is useful to look at this report to check what is happening on certain dates as you may want to avoid these dates when scheduling new events.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/approving-requests-for-optional-courses/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Practical sign off","Practical modules enable you to add a manager sign off process into a course. This can be useful when you'd like to:</p> <ul> <li>review the learner's reflections on the course</li> <li>ask the learner to complete an off-line activity and submit it for reviewing or marking</li> <li>sign-off the competency of the learner before they progress with the rest of the course, or at the end of a course.</li> </ul> <p class='pullout'><strong>Manager</strong> will be the Line Manager if that feature is being used on your Breeio. Otherwise, the Group Manager, and Administrators will be able to sign-off practical modules.</p> <strong>Learner experience</strong></p> In the example below the learner is asked to reflect on the Data Protection Workshop they have attended which is part of a Compliance Induction course. The manager is required to sign off their reflection as the final part of the course.</p> The learner is able to upload a document, add their notes and use a tick box to confirm they have completed the module.</p> When the learner has completed this, it will be ready for manager sign off.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/gfgpik1x/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Notification</strong></p> The manager will be notified they have a sign off through their 'My teams' area.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/gpbjm3t5/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Accessing the sign off area</strong></p> Clicking into the 'My Teams' area (the screen might look different to the screen shot below - if you have a large team or are a central administrator the team list might be collapsed rather than listed in full) you have two options to access the sign off area:</p> <img src='/media/t2cflf4n/image.png' alt=''></p> 1. If you have several team members with pending approvals (this might be practical sign offs, classroom or request approvals) click on 'Open All' and you can then use the list to view and approve any outstanding requests:</p> <img src='/media/2srlbnpm/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. If you want to just review the approvals for one individual click on 'approvals' on the individual's line:</p> <img src='/media/3k4brsbt/image.png' alt=''></p> Both of these routes will open up the sign off area:</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/clte0ozn/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Signing off</strong></p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td> <strong>Notes</strong></p> </td> <td> This is a copy of the instructions the learner had before completing the practical module.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Learner response</strong></td> <td> You can review the response the learner has provided.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Uploads</strong></td> <td> If the learner has uploaded a document you can click on the file name to review it. You can upload documents too.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Course progress</strong></td> <td> You can click on the link to view a breakdown of the course progress and assignment activity log - you can download a PDF version to save or print if required.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Your notes</strong></td> <td> Add notes you would like to make - these notes are visible to the learner.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Sign off</strong></td> <td> If you are happy to sign off the practical click on the box 'I confirm this module has been completed' - it defaults to today's date but you can change the date if required.<br><br>If you're not happy to sign off at this stage click on 'Not ready for sign off, send back [learner's name]. This will open up a notes box for you to provide the learner with a reason why you are sending the assignment back to them:</p> <img src='/media/zkudvl1i/image.png' alt=''></p> The learner will be sent an email and they can access the module to make the required amendments and it will come back through approvals for the manager to review and sign off.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <strong>Choosing the sign off option by learner first, then designated user(s)</strong></p> For some modules it might be more appropriate for a subject matter expert or someone other than the users manager to sign off the module. In these cases select the sign off option 'By learner first, then designated user(s)'.</p> <img src='/media/f3vayqy0/image.png' alt=''></p> You can select one or more individuals or a group.</p> When confirming the module. the learner will be presented with a list of names and will select the name of the individual who will sign off the module.</p> The selected individual will be sent an email (overnight) to advise them they have a new sign off which they can access via a link in the email. Clicking on the link will open the sign off pop-up where they can review the learner's response, add their comments, answer questions, upload documents (the specific requirements will depend on the module configuration) and sign off or send the module back to the learner.</p> When the designated user has signed off the module it will be complete.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/practical-sign-off/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Adding a video module","Like other types of modules, a video module will sit inside a course and can be blended with other training opportunities (eg. e-learning, resources, classroom, etc).</p> To add a Video module, go to the <strong>Content area</strong> and click on the <strong>Modules tab</strong>.</p> 1. Click on 'New Module' and click on 'Upload a video'.</p> <img src='/media/wdlh0luy/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Select an MP4 file to upload, which will open up the module details page.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/jfzhtws1/image.png' alt=''></p> 3. The module title will be populated with the name of the file - you can change this.</p> 4. Write a description of the module for learners. (This description appears on the Course page.) If you want a hard line break to appear in the displayed text, use the Return key.</p> 5. Add in minutes the estimated duration of the video.</p> 6. If you want to add version control to your module complete the details in the Review Summary module pane.</p> <img src='/media/vnqh5enl/image.png' alt=''></p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Top tip </strong>- use this area when you make changes to a module so you can keep track of what the changes were and when they took place. </p> If you add a date in the 'Review date' field, it will appear in the 'Review date' column on the module summary page. The module will change to a<strong> bold </strong>format when the review date has been reached. This will help you to manage your workflow of reviewing content.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/adding-a-video-module/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Adding an embedded video module","Like other types of modules, a embedded video module will sit inside a course and can be blended with other training opportunities (eg. e-learning, resources, classroom, etc).</p> To add a Video module, go to the <strong>Content area</strong> and click on the <strong>Modules tab</strong>.</p> 1. Click on 'New Module'</p> <img src='/media/2qhcmhx0/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Select the Embed a video option to open the module details page.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/ekqp5ivr/image.png' alt=''></p> 3. Give your module a title</p> 4. Write a description of the module for learners. (This description appears on the Course page.) If you want a hard line break to appear in the displayed text, use the Return key.</p> 5. Copy the video URL or embedded code.</p> 6. Add in minutes the estimated duration of the video.</p> 7. If you want to add version control to your module complete the details in the Review Summary module pane.</p> <img src='/media/idqflznv/image.png' alt=''></p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Top tip </strong>- use this area when you make changes to a module so you can keep track of what the changes were and when they took place. </p> If you add a date in the 'Review date' field, it will appear in the 'Review date' column on the module summary page. The module will change to a<strong> bold </strong>format when the review date has been reached. This will help you to manage your workflow of reviewing content.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/adding-an-embedded-video-module/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Adding a link to hosted AICC module","Like other types of modules, a Link to hosted AICC module will sit inside a course and can be blended with other training opportunities (eg. e-learning, resources, classroom, etc).</p> To add a Video module, go to the <strong>Content area</strong> and click on the <strong>Modules tab</strong>.</p> 1. Click on 'New Module'</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/cdvnxexj/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Select the Link to hosted AICC option to open the module details page.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/bnkprwnf/image.png' alt=''></p> 3. Give your module a title.</p> 4. Write a description of the module for learners. (This description appears on the Course page.) If you want a hard line break to appear in the displayed text, use the Return key.</p> 5. Copy the AICC URL.</p> 6. Add in minutes the estimated duration of the video.</p> 7. Click on the update button to add the module.</p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Important</strong> - Individual hosted AICC modules may behave differently. Before assigning to colleagues, ensure you have tested that the module completes and records scored properly, if applicable.</p> If you want to add version control to your module complete the details in the Review Summary module pane.</p> <img src='/media/1pbpl524/image.png' alt=''></p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Top tip </strong>- use this area when you make changes to a module so you can keep track of what the changes were and when they took place. </p> If you add a date in the 'Review date' field, it will appear in the 'Review date' column on the module summary page. The module will change to a<strong> bold </strong>format when the review date has been reached. This will help you to manage your workflow of reviewing content.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/adding-a-link-to-hosted-aicc-module/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Marking attendance for classroom events","The attendance for a classroom event can either be marked by an Administrator using the Training Calendar or by the event host using the My Events page.</p> A learner will need to be marked as attended for the module to show as completed in the course.</p> <p style='padding-left: 40px;'>1. You can use the 'select all' option if you need to mark all delegates with the same action e.g. all delegates attended the event.</p> <p style='padding-left: 40px;'>2. If you need to complete different actions for different delegates, select the delegates you want to mark and this opens up the action box (see below):</p> <img src='/media/3o1e3s2c/image.png' alt=''></p> The options detailed below are available to Group Managers and Administrators. The trainer has the ability to update the attendance only (they don't have the 'send email' or 'unassign' options available).</p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Mark as attended</strong></td> <td> Delegate attended the session and the classroom module will update as completed.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Absent (not excused)</strong></td> <td> Delegate did not attend the session and wasn't excused from the event. You will be provided with a pop-up box to provide further details of the absence.</p> The module will remain as incomplete in the course.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Absent (excused)</strong></td> <td> Delegate did not attend the session but was excused from the event. You will be provided with a pop-up box to provide further details of the absence.</p> The module will remain as incomplete in the course.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Send email</strong></td> <td> You are able to send the delegates an email from here - perhaps you have some session handouts you want to send to them.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Unassign</strong></td> <td> Use this option if you want to remove the delegate from the list.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> When all delegates have been updated with an attended or absence action the event will come out of the current training calendar. You can use the 'Archive' button to access old classroom events.</p> <img src='/media/oake0nng/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/marking-attendance-for-classroom-events/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Adding new resources","Resources can be uploaded into Breeio and added to courses for learners to access to support their learning. They are not a required element of a course.</p> Resources can be added in the <strong>resources</strong> section of the <strong>content</strong> area.</p> 1. Click on New resources</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/nwefqp1a/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Type in the title of the resource.</p> 3. Enter a short description that will appear under the title of the resource.</p> 4. The categories determine where your resources appear in the resource catalogue. The resources may also be associated with a particular course but it will always appear in the categories you select here.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/qn3l22mx/image.png' alt=''></p> 5. The full description appears when the user opens the resource. It could be a summary of the content or instructions on using the resource.</p> 6. Select the footer you want to appear. There is a default footer or you can add your own resource footers.</p> 7. If the resource includes a web link, enter the complete URL of the website that you wish to link to in the Web Link box. This means that you must enter the http://.</p> 8. If you have Embed code (from a website like YouTube or Slideshare), you can paste it here. Though hosted elsewhere, your resource will play on the Breeio page and you don't have to use a link and send the user to another website.</p> 9. If the resource includes a file, click the Browse button and find the file you wish to upload to Breeio.</p> 10. If you would like the resource to be available for users other than people assigned to a course that is using the resource, you can choose to make it available to:</p> <ul> <li>No other users (other than those who have it via a course)</li> <li>Users assigned to courses in the categories selected above</li> <li>All users</li> </ul> 11. Click the Submit button to add the resource to Breeio.</p> You will receive a message telling you if the resource has been added successfully.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/adding-new-resources/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Using resource footers","A resource footer is a standard message which appears at the bottom of the page which introduces the resource, for example 'This resource should be used for training purposes only. Do not use with customers.'</p> You can set up several standard resource footers, and select the appropriate one when you add a new resource.</p> Resource footers can be added in the <strong>resources</strong> section of the <strong>content</strong> area.</p> 1. Click on Resource footers</p> <img src='/media/bbsinsxa/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Give the resource footer a name in the New footer box.</p> 3. Type the text of the footer in the box below.</p> 4. Click the Add button.</p> The resource footer will now appear in the footer drop down list in the New resource page.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/kqgb3fad/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/using-resource-footers/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Creating an e-learning module","Like any other type of module, an e-learning module will sit inside a course and can be blended with other training opportunities (eg. Classroom, resources, practical activities, etc).</p> Using Breeio's authoring tool you can create learning, assessment or survey modules.</p> Click on the <strong>Create e-Learning</strong> option on the New module page.</p> <img src='/media/43edyjvr/image.png' alt=''></p> Give your module a title and select which type you would like - Learning, Assessment or Survey. You can choose either a blank module or various sample ones.</p> <img src='/media/qrvhod12/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Overview of the tool</strong></p> For this example we have selected a sample Assessment.</p> Below is an image of the tool with information about the different sections.</p> <img src='/media/gqed5oq3/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Editing a page</strong></p> You edit a page by clicking on the 'pencil' icon that appears when you hover over the yellow bar.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/4reobsnp/image.png' alt=''></p> This will open up the editing page of that item.</p> <img src='/media/n50lz3ns/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Different page types</strong></p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Title page</strong></td> <td> This page will be the first screen your learners will see on the module.</p> You can add a heading, text and choose the layout of the screen (add an image or additional text).</p> The module properties section will appear when creating assessment modules only and is an important element to the how the module will function:</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/nqipf1s0/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Passmark:</strong> add in the score that will be your required passmark.</p> <strong>Exam:</strong> if you choose Assessment the learner will get feedback when they have answered the question (correct/incorrect) if you choose Exam the learner will not get that feedback.</p> <strong>Published:</strong> when you are happy with the module it will need to be published and the status will be updated here.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Introduction</strong></td> <td> Add this page if you want to add further text or images to introduce the module.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Information page</strong></td> <td> Add this page when you want to give your learners information - you can include a heading, text and an image.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Multiple choice</strong></td> <td> This will add a multiple choice question into your assessment.</p> <img src='/media/4z1ghj3t/image.png' alt=''></p> Type your question into the 'Question' section and select the criteria you want in the question including:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Mode </strong> <ul> <li>Selecting assessment will score the learners reply and will be included in their final score.</li> <li>Selecting learning will not score the learner on the question - these types of questions can be useful to give learners some practice questions.</li> <li>Selecting survey will mean the response will not be included in the final score.</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Select</strong> - indicate if there is only one answer or multiple answers to the question</li> <li><strong>Instructions</strong> - select 'yes' if you would like to provide your learners will further instructions about what you need them to do</li> <li><strong>Answers</strong> - type in the options the learner will see on screen and use the blue radio button to indicate which is the correct option. If you have selected 'multiple answers' you will have tick boxes to indicate which responses need to be selected by the learner. You're able to add further options and also change the wording the learner will receive on screen when they answer the question.</li> <li><strong>Layout - </strong>you can choose to have an extra text box or an image added to the question page</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Typed answer</strong></td> <td> This will provide a free type text box for the learner to type their response. This type of question will not be scored by the system and will not be included in the final score.</p> You can make this a required or an optional element to the module.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Scale question</strong></td> <td> This provides you with the ability to ask at least three questions where the learner can respond with a numerical scale - their responses are not scored and will not be included in the final score. As with other pages you can choose to include further text and an image.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Question bank</strong></td> <td> This allows you to create a bank of questions and indicate how many questions you want the learner to be presented with during the assessment - you can do this through a percentage or indicating the actual number of questions. In the example below the learner will be presented with 50% of the questions from the question bank.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/w10omw2u/image.png' alt=''></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Video page</strong></td> <td> Adding a video into your module can help to keep your learners engaged.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/bjlftaag/image.png' alt=''></p> You can either upload an MP4 file or embed a link from the internet. You can choose from a number of different options including:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Show controls</strong> - if you select 'yes' a control panel will be displayed for your learners to use.</li> <li><strong>Autoplay</strong> - if you select 'yes' the video will automatically play when the learner lands on the page. <strong>Note:</strong> a video will not autoplay when you're in 'preview' mode.</li> <li><strong>Next button </strong>- if you'd prefer your learners to not move onto the next item until the video has played in full you can select 'Hidden until end' - this will prevent the 'next' button appearing until the video has played in full. If you select 'Visible from start' the 'next' button will be visible and active from the start meaning you are providing your learners with the ability to skip the video.</li> <li><strong>Layout</strong> - you have a choice of four layouts depending on whether you want to include text on the screen or not.</li> </ul> You can add a question page(s) after the video to ask questions about the video.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Pass/fail</strong></td> <td>If you have added multiple choice questions to your module this will page will present the learner with their score and tell them if they have passed or failed. You can edit the text that appears on screen and add an image to the page.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <strong>Previewing a page</strong></p> When you are in the edit page area you can click on the 'eye' icon on the yellow bar to preview what the page will look like to the learners.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/suhnpgz1/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Module menu</strong></p> The menu will help you to organise your assessment - you can click and drag pages into a different place and delete pages you no longer require.</p> <strong>Exiting the authoring tool</strong></p> You have two options:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Publish</strong> - if you have finished the module then you can click on 'Publish'</li> <li><strong>Back</strong> - if you are still working on the module click on 'Back' this will save your work</li> </ul> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/xrhnzzib/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Finalising the details</strong></p> When you click either 'Publish' or 'Back' you will be taken back into admin to the module details section where you can finalise the details. Here you can:</p> <ul> <li>add a description</li> <li>edit the module (this will take you back into the authoring tool)</li> <li>preview the module</li> <li>select who can access result information - Central, Group, and Course Managers or Central only</li> <li>provide an estimated duration of the module</li> <li>select a course manager</li> </ul> Click on 'update'.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/aguhsglc/image.png' alt=''></p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Important</strong> - Once a completion has been recorded it's advisable not to make structural changes such as adding/removing multiple choice options or changing the meaning of questions. If this is needed consider creating a new module and delivering inside a new course. It will keep the reporting and analysis of the module consistent. You can make minor text changes to a live assessment using the 'Edit' button.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/creating-an-e-learning-module/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","How to create an event","Events can either be linked to a course or can be independent (one-time event) – both can be created from the Training calendar.</p> Click on ‘Add new event’ to open the Learning Event form.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/eczfh2el/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Event details</strong></p> <table border='1' style='border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; height: 1511px;'> <tbody> <tr style='height: 142px;'> <td style='width: 20.3846%; height: 142px;'>Event subject</td> <td style='width: 79.6154%; height: 142px;'> <strong>Independent events</strong></p> Choose this to enter the title of a one-time event.</p> <strong>Events linked to a course</strong></p> Choose the Instructor-led module from your content library.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 147px;'> <td style='width: 20.3846%; height: 147px;'>Date</td> <td style='width: 79.6154%; height: 147px;'> Enter the start and end dates and times.</p> <strong>Time zone</strong></p> Use the start, end, and time zone where the physical event will occur or where your virtual trainer is located. People in other time zones will be able to see what time this will be in their local time.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 600px;'> <td style='width: 20.3846%; height: 600px;'>Delivery</td> <td width='488' style='width: 79.6154%; height: 600px;'> <strong>In-person </strong></p> Choose this option if the session will be delivered in a classroom and enter the venue details.</p> <strong>Virtual</strong></p> Choose this option if the session will be delivered online and enter the virtual event details.</p> Your organisation must be set up with Zoom and/or MS Teams integration for these options to be available. If you are interested in setting up this integration, please email <a href='mailto:support@acteoncommunication.com'>support@acteoncommunication.com</a> and one of our colleagues will be in contact to discuss this with you.</p> <strong>Hybrid</strong></p> Choose this option if you will have a group of learners in a classroom and another group joining virtually. You will be able to add both the physical venue and the virtual details when creating the event.</p> <strong>Maximum places</strong></p> Enter the maximum number of delegates you can accept. Bookings will stop once the maximum number has been reached.</p> <strong>Minimum places</strong></p> Enter the minimum number of places you are happy to run the event for. Breeio will highlight those with low attendance numbers so you can either postpone the event or advertise the event to increase the attendance figures.</p> If your event is hybrid you'll be able to add the max. and min. places for both the in-person and virtual sessions.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 20.3846%;'> Waitlist </p> <em>(available from Breeio version 9.2.1)</em></p> </td> <td style='width: 79.6154%;'> When the maximum number of places has been filled you can allow delegates to add themselves onto a waiting list for the event. Just tick the 'Use waitlist' box and select the number of delegates you want to be added to the waiting list.</p> For more information about how the Waitlist feature works see the 'Event Waiting List' help page.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 508px;'> <td style='width: 20.3846%; height: 508px;'>Trainer</td> <td style='width: 79.6154%; height: 508px;'> <strong>Internal Trainer</strong></p> Internal trainers are people in your organisation with a user account on Breeio. Use the drop-down menu to select the event host.</p> <strong>External Trainer</strong></p> External trainers are those outside your organisation without normal access to Breeio. Add in the external trainer’s name, email address, and company. This will send the external trainer an email with a link to access the event page on Breeio (they won’t have access to any other part of Breeio).</p> The contact email for the event (delegate queries and booking notifications) will be the trainer's email - there will be onscreen confirmation*. The contact email can be changed on the 'Communications tab'.</p> <em>*if you have booking notifications settings switched off you won't see this onscreen confirmation but will be able to change the contact email address in the 'Communications tab'.</em></p> <img src='/media/o4za3ku2/image.png' alt=''></p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 114px;'> <td style='width: 20.3846%; height: 114px;'> Audience</p> <em>(only available if it's an independent event)</em></p> </td> <td style='width: 79.6154%; height: 114px;'> By selecting ‘All’ the event will be available to all your learners.</p> You can select a Group category and then add Groups when you want to advertise the event to a specific audience.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Completing this part of the form provides enough information for the event to be created in the Training Calendar and be available for learners to book. However, there are other parts of the event creation form that you might find useful to complete.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/vjrh1rlh/image.png' alt=''></p>  <strong>Content</strong></p> <table border='1' cellspacing='3' cellpadding='3' style='width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; border-style: solid;'> <tbody> <tr> <td style='width: 19.4872%;'>Content</td> <td style='width: 80.5128%;'> Use the text field to provide on screen information about the event. If information has been added into the Instructor-led module (if it's an event linked to a course) this will appear in this text box - you can change or add to this information if required.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 19.4872%;'> Topics</p> </td> <td style='width: 80.5128%;'>Tag your event with a topic to make it easier for your learners to search the available events. Re-use topics that have already been added using the drop down list or add a new one.</td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 19.4872%;'> Resources</p> </td> <td style='width: 80.5128%;'>You can upload documents and add weblinks you want your delegates to read/have access to before, during or after the event.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>  </p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/1tfpm2dw/image.png' alt=''></p>  <strong>Communication</strong></p> <table border='1' cellspacing='3' cellpadding='3' style='width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; border-style: solid;'> <tbody> <tr> <td style='width: 18.0769%;'> Booking process</p> </td> <td style='width: 81.9231%;'> <strong>Booking question</strong></p> Tick the 'Ask delegates a question' box if you need the delegates to answer a question about their requirements when booking a space. This is useful to capture things like dietary requirements or special access needs.</p> Answers will be collated in the 'Bookings and responses' downloadable PDF in the event page.</p> <strong>Booking approval</strong></p> If the event is linked to a course the booking approval is managed by the module.</p> If you are creating an Independent event you can choose from a number of approval options:</p> No approval - allows delegates to book directly.</p> Learner certified - asks delegates to certify they have their managers approval.</p> Manager approval - will require the manager to sign off the booking.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 18.0769%;'>  Contact details</p> </td> <td style='width: 81.9231%;'> <strong>Reminder information for e-mails</strong></p> Enter text you would like included with the event reminder e-mails.</p> <strong>Contact e-mail</strong></p> The contact email will default to the Trainer's email address, however if you want the contact email to be a different address you can add a different address here.</p> Booking notifications and delegate questions will be sent to the contact email address.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/zs2pjj3t/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Costs</strong></p> Enter the associated costs for the event - venue, trainer, and other costs.</p> These costs will appear on the downloaded version of the Learning Events Data report against the event.</p> <img src='/media/xwgd20x3/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/how-to-create-an-event/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Use the ‘repeat pattern’ feature to change the sequence of modules","By default, the same modules will be presented to users every time a learner completes the course. However, you can use the ‘repeat pattern’ feature to change the sequence of modules that are presented to learners when the course is reassigned or renewed.</p> The feature looks at the history of the learner for that course and counts the number they have done previously in order to present the correct pattern for the position in the cycle the learner is at.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/5nqhmmmv/image.png' alt=''></p> There are several different patterns to choose from.</p> <ul> <li><strong>Always</strong> – The module will be presented every time the course is assigned.</li> </ul> <em>The above option can be used with any other pattern option.</em></p> <ul> <li><strong>1<sup>st</sup> time only </strong>- module will only be presented the first time the course is assigned to learner – subsequent assignments/renewals of the course will <strong>not </strong>present this module to be completed.</li> <li><strong>2<sup>nd</sup> time onwards</strong> – module will only be presented after the first completion – subsequent assignments/renewals will <strong>always </strong>present this module to be completed.</li> <li><strong>3<sup>rd</sup> time onwards</strong> – module will only be presented after the first two completions – subsequent assignments/renewals will <strong>always</strong> present this module to be completed.</li> </ul> <em>The above three pattern options should only be used together and/or with the ‘Always’ option.</em></p> <div class='pullout'> <strong>Scenario:</strong> You have a course that has a full version module and a refresher version module. You want learners to complete the full version on the first cycle and the refresher version on subsequent cycles. You would create the course in this way:</p> Full version module – <strong>1<sup>st</sup> time only</strong></p> Refresher version module – <strong>2<sup>nd</sup> time onwards</strong></p> </div> <ul> <li><strong>2</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ first</strong> – module will be presented the first time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the third assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>2</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ second </strong>– module will be presented the second time the course is assigned/renewed. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fourth assignment/renewal.</li> </ul> <em>The above two pattern options should only be used together and/or with the ‘Always’ option.</em></p> <div class='pullout'> <strong>Scenario:</strong> You have a course that has an Instructor-led module and an eLearning module. You want learners to complete the Instructor-led module every other year but are happy for them to complete the eLearning module in-between. You would create the course in this way:</p> Instructor-led module - <strong>2</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ first</strong></p> eLearning module –<strong> 2-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ second</strong></p> Alternatively, you might want the learner to attend the Instructor-led module every time and the eLearning module every two years. You would create the course in this way:</p> Instructor-led module – <strong>Always</strong></p> </div> <ul> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ step 1</strong> – module will be presented the first time the course is assigned. The next time the module is presented, it will be on the fourth assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ step 2</strong> – module will be presented the second time the course is assigned. The next time the module is presented, it will be on the fifth assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ step 3</strong> – module will be presented the first time the course is assigned. The next time the module is presented, it will be on the sixth assignment/renewal.</li> </ul> <em>The above three pattern options should only be used together and/or with the ‘Always’ option.</em></p> <div class='pullout'> <strong>Scenario: </strong>You have a course that has an Instructor-led module, an eLearning module, and a Practical module (needs manager sign-off). You want learners to complete the Instructor-led module in year one, the eLearning module in year two, and in year three you want the manager to complete an observation sign-off. This pattern would then cycle around. You would create the course in this way:</p> Instructor-led module - <strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ step 1</strong></p> eLearning module –<strong> 3-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ step 2</strong></p> Practical module - <strong>3-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ step 3</strong></p> You could also add a post-course survey and use the pattern ‘Always’ this would always present this module every time a learner completes the course.</p> </div> <ul> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ steps 1 and 2</strong> – module will be presented the first and second time the course is assigned. The next time the module is presented, it will be on the fourth and fifth assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ steps 2 and 3</strong> – module will be presented the second and third time the course is assigned. The next time the module is presented, it will be on the fifth and sixth assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ steps 1 and 3</strong> – module will be presented the first and third time the course is assigned. The next time the module is presented, it will be on the fourth and sixth assignment/renewal.</li> </ul> <em>The above three pattern options should only be used together and/or with the ‘Always’ option.</em></p> <div class='pullout'> <strong>Scenario: </strong>You have a course with an eLearning module that you want the learner to complete every other year and a practical module (manager sign-off) that you don’t need to complete in the third year. This pattern would then cycle around. You would create the course in this way:</p> eLearning module –<strong> 3-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ steps 1 and 3</strong></p> Practical module - <strong>3-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ steps 1 and 2</strong></p> </div> <strong>Does the feature work if I have selected the option for the course to be completed in a specific order?</strong></p> Yes, it does.</p> <div class='pullout'> <strong>Scenario: </strong>You have a course and in year one you want learners to complete three modules in the specific order (module A, then module B and then module C). In year two you won’t need them to complete module B, module C will be unlocked when module A has been completed. On the next cycle you want them to complete all three modules again in the specific order. You would create the course in this way:</p> Select specific order.</p> Module A – <strong>Always</strong></p> Module B - <strong>2</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ first</strong></p> Module C - <strong>Always</strong></p> </div> <strong>What happens when I re-set a course for a learner?</strong></p> When you re-set a course, it will be reassigned to the learner if it is still required, the sequence that is reassigned to the learner will depend on if you select to remove associated completion logs or to leave the existing completion.</p> If you remove the associated completion the learner will be reassigned the module pattern in the sequence they have just completed.</p> If you leave the existing completion the learner will receive the next module pattern in the sequence.</p> <div class='pullout'> <strong>Scenario: </strong>You have a course and in year one you want the learner to complete module A and in year two to complete module B and that cycle continues. You would create the course in this way:</p> Module A - <strong>2</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ first</strong></p> Module B –<strong> 2-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ second</strong></p> If you reset the course completion after 18 months and choose:</p> <ul> <li>to remove the associated log the learner will be presented with Module A on the reassignment and;</li> <li>to leave the associated log the learner will be presented with Module B on the reassignment.</li> </ul> </div> <strong>What happens if I change the repeat pattern for an existing course?</strong></p> The system will check the number of completions the learner has completed and on the next assignment or renewal, the correct pattern will be presented to the learner.</p> If a learner is ‘In progress’ with a course, it will adjust accordingly unless:</p> <ul> <li>The learner has already booked an event that was part of the course before you changed the repeat pattern. If the learner is no longer required to attend the event because that module is no longer required on the pattern they are currently on they will need to cancel their attendance. When they have done that, the event module will be removed from the course. If they don’t cancel and still attend the event this is fine, the module will be marked as completed (when the event attendance has been marked).</li> <li>If the learner is ‘In progress’ on a module that is no longer required, it will keep this module on the course page and will require the learner to complete it for the course to be completed.</li> </ul>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/use-the-repeat-pattern-feature-to-change-the-sequence-of-modules/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Cancelling attendance at an event","By default, learners can cancel their attendance at an event up to 14 days before the event takes place – some of our clients have requested a specific configuration and therefore this might not be the case on your platform.</p> Learners will have access to a ‘cancel attendance’ button during this time and they simply click on it and their name will be removed from the attendance list for the event.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/voxbh2vh/image.png' alt=''></p> The ‘cancel attendance’ button will not be available 14 days before the event, the learners are provided with on-screen instructions on who to contact if they can no longer attend the event.</p> System administrators or those who have been given specific permission can cancel delegate attendance to an event that is due within 14 days. To do this go into the event from the Training Calendar and click on the ‘Action’ tick box next to the learner who can no longer attend the event.</p> An ‘Actions’ drop-down menu will appear, click on ‘unassign’.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/kg1b1bbo/image.png' alt=''></p>  </p> You will be asked if you are sure you want to remove the learner from the list of delegates with two options:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Remove and notify</strong> will remove the learner and notify them they have been removed from the list.</li> <li><strong>Remove</strong> will remove the learner without sending them a notification.</li> </ul> A record of the cancellation can be found in reporting by using the black document icon either in the Course Breakdown or User Overview report:</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/mnapmosg/image.png' alt=''></p>  </p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/l45dqh22/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/cancelling-attendance-at-an-event/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Creating a course","Courses are a fundamental part of Breeio. Courses are assigned to users and tracked in the reports.</p> To create a course, go to the <strong>Content area, </strong>click on the <strong>Courses tab, </strong>and select <strong>New course</strong>.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/oylbyvxn/image.png' alt=''></p> 1. Enter the course details</p> <ul> <li><strong>Title </strong>- this is the title learners will see in their 'My courses' section and in their learning record.</li> <li><strong>Categories </strong>- at least one category needs to be assigned to the course. </li> </ul> 2. Click on Submit</p> 3. Complete the rest of the course details</p> <table border='0' style='height: 1787px;'> <tbody> <tr style='height: 64px;'> <td style='width: 111px; height: 64px;'><strong>Title</strong></td> <td style='width: 661px; height: 64px;'> You can make changes to the course title.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 82px;'> <td style='width: 111px; height: 82px;'><strong>Image</strong></td> <td style='width: 661px; height: 82px;'> Associate an image with your course. This will appear on the course tile and in the banner at the top of the course page. You can upload your own image or browse the royalty-free images on Breeio.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 46px;'> <td style='width: 111px; height: 46px;'><strong>Description</strong></td> <td style='width: 661px; height: 46px;'> Learners will see the short description when they go to the course page.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 64px;'> <td style='width: 111px; height: 64px;'><strong>Reminder message</strong></td> <td style='width: 661px; height: 64px;'> This text is included in e-mail messages sent to learners, e.g. 'You will not be able to end your probation period until you have completed this course'.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 64px;'> <td style='width: 111px; height: 64px;'><strong>Completion statement</strong></td> <td style='width: 661px; height: 64px;'> This text will appear on the course certificate and in the learner's training record. It is ideal for messages such as 'Approved by the Law Society for 2.5 CPD credits'.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 64px;'> <td style='width: 111px; height: 64px;'><strong>Syllabus and pre-requisites</strong></td> <td style='width: 661px; height: 64px;'> This text will be displayed when learners decide to add an optional course. It should help the learner decide if the course is appropriate for them.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 96px;'> <td style='width: 111px; height: 96px;'><strong>Aware score</strong></td> <td style='width: 661px; height: 96px;'> <span>This is only available if your organisation has this feature switched on.</span></p> <span>The default for all courses is '1'. If you want some courses to count for more on the leaderboard you can increase the award score here.</span><span></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 114px;'> <td style='width: 111px; height: 114px;'><strong>Skills</strong></td> <td style='width: 661px; height: 114px;'> This is only available if your organisation has this feature switched on.</p> You can associate your course with one or more skills and levels. Completing the course will give the learner that skill and level for the validity of the course. For example, if the course must be renewed every 12 months, the skill will only be 'valid' for 12 months.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 64px;'> <td style='width: 111px; height: 64px;'><strong>Issue certificate</strong></td> <td style='width: 661px; height: 64px;'> Tick this box if you want to issue a certificate for the learner to print at the end of the course.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 111px;'><strong>Automatically email certificates</strong></td> <td style='width: 661px;'> Tick this box if you want learners to receive an email with their certificate when they complete the course.</p> The certificate will still be available to the learner on the course page when the course has been completed.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 64px;'> <td style='width: 111px; height: 64px;'><strong>Send assignment email</strong></td> <td style='width: 661px; height: 64px;'> When this box is ticked, each learner will receive an e-mail when they are assigned this course.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 46px;'> <td style='width: 111px; height: 46px;'><strong>Categories</strong></td> <td style='width: 661px; height: 46px;'> The course will be displayed within this category in the Catalogue area.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 535px;'> <td style='width: 111px; height: 535px;'><strong>Target dates and renewals</strong></td> <td style='width: 661px; height: 535px;'> <table border='0' cellspacing='3' cellpadding='3'> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>No target dates and renewals</strong></td> <td> Use for courses with no specified due date or period and no requirement to renew.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Fixed target dates</strong></td> <td> Choose a specific date (eg. 31st May 2023) by which the course should be completed. All assignments will receive this target date, so consider how new joiners will be handled. You may want to use the 'Auto suspend' to avoid continuing to assign this course to new joiners.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Automated target dates</strong></td> <td> This will apply a target date based on the date the course is assigned. It uses the 'Target completion' period to determine when the course is due for each learner. If the Target completion is 4 weeks, the Target date will be date Assigned + 4 Weeks.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Automated with renewals</strong></td> <td> If your course needs to be reassigned automatically, enter the Validity period in months. For example, if your course should be completed every 12 months, enter 12 in the Validity period. Any past completions will be archived and the course will be re-assigned to the learner. The target date for the new assignment will be based on the date the learner completed the course.</p> You can also choose to have a specific 'Target completion' for the first assignment and another for each time it is renewed. This will make the assignment X weeks before it must be renewed/completed to remain valid.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Also indicate any e-mail notifications that should be sent as the target date approaches.</p> When selecting the content you can create a repeat pattern to present different modules at renewal time, if the 'Repeat pattern' feature has been switched on.</p> If a new joiner has a start date in the future their target dates will be aligned to their start date.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 137px;'> <td style='width: 111px; height: 137px;'><strong>Auto suspend date</strong></td> <td style='width: 661px; height: 137px;'> Automatically suspends a course on this date. This might be useful if you have used a Fixed Target Date and you do not want new joiners to be assigned the course after this date. Suspending the course will stop it from being assigned to new people and will remove un-started assignments. It will retain in-progress assignments and completions, and the ability to look at the module content.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 82px;'> <td style='width: 111px; height: 82px;'><strong>Effective date</strong></td> <td style='width: 661px; height: 82px;'> Enter a date to apply the assignment rules to users with a date joined:</p> <ul> <li>on or before the date</li> <li>on or after the date</li> <li>Between two dates</li> </ul> <p class='pullout'>The effective date will only apply to <strong>mandatory</strong> assignments not optional assignments.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 46px;'> <td style='width: 111px; height: 46px;'><strong>Course manager</strong></td> <td style='width: 661px; height: 46px;'> The name of the administrator who originally set up the course.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='height: 219px;'> <td style='width: 111px; height: 219px;'><strong>Status</strong></td> <td style='width: 661px; height: 219px;'> <strong>Under construction</strong> - learners cannot see the course and completed assignments cannot view the content.</p> <strong>Live</strong> - assignments will be made according to assignment rules and the course is fully available.</p> <strong>Suspended</strong>- suspending the course will stop it from being assigned to new learners even if assignment rules are in place and will remove un-started assignments. Learners who are in progress on this course assignment will be able to continue. Those who have completed will have the ability to look at the module content. The course will still show in reports and the Learning Log, etc.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 4. Click Update.</p> The structure of the course has been created, ready for the content to be added.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/creating-a-course/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Select the content for a course","The core elements of courses are the modules your learners will complete. A course can contain one or more modules and you can use a variety of different types of modules to make up the course.</p> Resources are content (videos, files, video links) you can provide to your learners and they can choose to work through it to support their learning.</p> <span>Modules and resources need to be uploaded into Breeio before they can be added into a course. </span></p> <strong>Selecting the content for a course</strong></p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/qxxhek0n/image.png' alt=''></p> 1. Course order - think about if you want your learners to complete the course in a specific order – select ‘in any order’ or ‘in the specified order only’ option.</p> 2. Adding the module - use the search function to find the module you want to use (you can change the title the user will see) and set the completion criteria:</p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td style='width: 117px;'><strong>Req'd</strong></td> <td style='width: 655px;'> Tick the box if the module is required for the course to be completed. There are a few ways in which a module can be marked as complete:</p> <ul> <li>Document, file bundle or weblink - learner confirms they have read the content.</li> <li>SCORM or xAPI, e-learning or video module - Breeio automatically indicates the learner has completed it.</li> <li>Instructor-led module - learner will complete the module when they have been marked as 'attended' on the instructor-led event.</li> <li>Practical module - when the appropriate sign off has been completed.</li> </ul> If the 'Req'd' box is left unticked the module does not need to be completed for the course to be completed (if other required elements of the course have been completed).</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 117px;'><strong>Delay days</strong></td> <td style='width: 655px;'> This will only appear if you have selected the option that candidates can complete modules 'in the specified order only'.</p> The system will default to '0' which means as soon as the module above it has been completed the next module will unlock.</p> You can change this to another number and the system will unlock the next module after the number of days specified and the learner will be sent an email to notify them.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 117px;'><strong>Retake</strong></td> <td style='width: 655px;'> Tick the box if the learner can retake the module without it being reassigned.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 117px;'><strong>Specify the pass mark</strong></td> <td style='width: 655px;'>If the module is a test, add the pass mark.</td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 117px;'><strong>Ellipsis</strong></td> <td style='width: 655px;'> This presents a menu for you to easily change the order and delete the modules.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 117px;'><strong>Repeat pattern</strong></td> <td style='width: 655px;'> This feature enables you to change the pattern of modules available to the learner at different times. There are a number of patterns to choose from.</p> <ul> <li><strong>Always</strong> – module will be presented every time the course is assigned.</li> <li><strong>1<sup>st</sup> time only </strong>- module will only be presented the first time the course is assigned to learner – subsequent assignments/renewals of the course will <strong>not </strong>present this module to be completed.</li> <li><strong>2<sup>nd</sup> time onwards</strong> – module will only be presented after the first completion – subsequent assignments/renewals will <strong>always </strong>present this module to be completed.</li> <li><strong>3<sup>rd</sup> time onwards</strong> – module will only be presented after the first two completions – subsequent assignments/renewals will <strong>always</strong> present this module to be completed.</li> <li><strong>2</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ first</strong> – module will be presented the first time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the third assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>2</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ second </strong>– module will be presented the second time the course is assigned/renewed. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fourth assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ step 1</strong> – module will be presented the first time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fourth assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ step 2</strong> – module will be presented the second time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fifth assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ step 3</strong> – module will be presented the first time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the sixth assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ steps 1 and 2</strong> – module will be presented the first and second time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fourth and fifth assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ steps 2 and 3</strong> – module will be presented the second and third time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fifth and sixth assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ steps 1 and 3</strong> – module will be presented the first and third time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fourth and sixth assignment/renewal.</li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 4. Adding resources<span> - use the drop down list to select the resource.</span></p> 5. Select other options you might want to include:</p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td style='width: 229px;'> <strong>Allow discussions</strong></p> </td> <td style='width: 543px;'> This will add a discussion section to your course - enter an email address for notifications to be sent to.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width: 229px;'><strong>Allow participants to send email questions</strong></td> <td style='width: 543px;'> This will add a question section to your course - enter an email address for the questions to be sent to.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 6. Preview the course - click on the Preview course option to review how your new course looks.</p> 7. Update - click on the update button to save your additions or changes.</p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Remember</strong> - don't forget to make the course available to users by setting the course Status to 'Live'. Until you do this, users will not see the course in their 'My courses' and the course will not be listed in your reports.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/select-the-content-for-a-course/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Managing renewals","Many of the courses you deliver on Breeio may require renewal annually, biennially or according to another period. For example, many compliance courses need to be repeated and refreshed every year.</p> Breeio makes it easy to manage the re-assignment and repeating of courses. The following describes some of the key terms and choices you will make as you set up your renewal course.</p> <strong>Renewal management</strong></p> Renewals are managed in the Target dates and renewals section of the course details page:</p> <img src='/media/ioqbnsy0/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Renewal scenario</strong></p> Let’s say you want everyone to receive 'Digital information security' training every 12 months.</p> The course renews every 12 months. This is the <strong>“Validity period”</strong>.</p> From the date learners are first assigned, you want them to have access to the e-learning and have four (4) weeks to complete. This is the <strong>“Target completion”</strong> period. When courses have a face-to-face classroom element, you may want to give learners a slightly longer Target completion period so that they have time to book onto upcoming dates.</p> If each time the course is renewed you want to give the learner eight (8) weeks to complete it before their validity expires, then enter 8 weeks in the <strong>Target completion for renewals</strong>. (You will need to click on 'Set different target for renewals'). The course will be re-assigned eight (8) weeks before it would expire and the target date will be the date the validity expires.</p> <img src='/media/dw1gugwf/image.png' alt=''></p> Consider the scenario below...</p> Robert is assigned to the course on January 1st. He receives whatever the Target completion period is to complete the assignment. If this is four (4) weeks, his target date (i.e., deadline) will be 28th January, after which he will show as late in the reports. He can complete his training on any date, including dates after his target date.</p> Let’s say he completes on the 15th of January he’s now valid for 12 months, meaning on the 15th of January of the following year he needs to have completed the course again to remain valid. To give him time to achieve this, we ‘renew’ his assignment eight (8) weeks before this. He is therefore re-assigned on the 20th of November, giving him eight (8) weeks ‘target completion’ period to remain valid by the 15th of January.</p> In this example, Robert can complete his renewal at any point from the 20th of November onwards. This means that over time if he completes training as soon as it is assigned, the assignment and target dates may start drifting backwards in the year.</p> <strong>Managing renewals when people are marked as 'Away'</strong></p> When someone is marked 'Away':</p> <ul> <li>Any training they have not started gets removed</li> <li>Training they’re currently doing stays as is</li> </ul> When the 'Away until' date is reached the 'away' status will be removed and:</p> <ul> <li>Any canceled training will be reassigned.</li> <li>If they’ve never done the training before, they’ll get the 'first time' target period.</li> <li>If they’re renewing and the renewal date is still ahead, the target date will match that. Otherwise, they’ll also get the 'first time' target period.</li> </ul> <p class='pullout'>You can review all your learners that have an 'Away until' date in the 'Away until user list' in 'Other reports'.</p> <strong>How to present different modules at renewal</strong></p> By default, the same modules will be presented when a course is renewed, however, if you want to change the sequence of modules that are presented you can use our Repeat pattern feature.</p> There are a number of patterns to choose from:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Always</strong> – The module will be presented every time the course is assigned.</li> <li><strong>1<sup>st</sup> time only </strong>- module will only be presented the first time the course is assigned to the learner – subsequent assignments/renewals of the course will <strong>not </strong>present this module to be completed.</li> <li><strong>2<sup>nd</sup> time onwards</strong> – module will only be presented after the first completion – subsequent assignments/renewals will <strong>always </strong>present this module to be completed.</li> <li><strong>3<sup>rd</sup> time onwards</strong> – module will only be presented after the first two completions – subsequent assignments/renewals will <strong>always</strong> present this module to be completed.</li> <li><strong>2</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ first</strong> – module will be presented the first time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the third assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>2</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ second </strong>– module will be presented the second time the course is assigned/renewed. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fourth assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ step 1</strong> – module will be presented the first time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fourth assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ step 2</strong> – module will be presented the second time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fifth assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ step 3</strong> – module will be presented the first time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the sixth assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ steps 1 and 2</strong> – module will be presented the first and second time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fourth and fifth assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ steps 2 and 3</strong> – module will be presented the second and third time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fifth and sixth assignment/renewal.</li> <li><strong>3</strong><strong>-step sequence </strong><strong>׀ steps 1 and 3</strong> – module will be presented the first and third time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fourth and sixth assignment/renewal.</li> </ul>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/managing-renewals/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Auto-complete feature on Surveys","Training evaluations are a great tool by which your team can collect valuable data from those who have participated in courses. You can use the Breeio authoring tool to create training evaluation surveys that can be added as a module to the course.</p> To help encourage your learners to complete the evaluation survey you can add the module as ‘required’ – this means a learner will need to complete the survey for the course to complete. Making the survey mandatory can however impact on your course completion figures because until the learner completes it the course will show as incomplete and if it has a target date might start to show as ‘late’.</p> To help balance the need for the valuable evaluation data with the need to get courses completed we have a useful feature the enables the survey to auto-complete after a number of days (this can be specified by you) if the learner hasn't completed it. </p> The feature is available in the module details page – simply add the number of days you want the survey to be available before the course completes.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/g1xichmh/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/auto-complete-feature-on-surveys/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Adding new modules","You can add new modules to Breeio from the Content area 'Modules' tab (see below). Select the type of module you want to add.</p> <img src='/media/jn1hqckm/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Create e-learning</strong></p> This option will launch Breeio's authoring tool to create a learning, assessment or survey module. When adding a survey module you can use the 'auto-complete' feature.</p> <strong>Create Instructor-led</strong></p> This option will create a module that can be linked to a live event in the Training Calendar.</p> <strong>Create Practical</strong></p> This module allows you to blend an offline activity or online reflective questions with the other elements of your course and to make it something that is 'signed-off' by a manager.</p> You can choose to allow documents to be uploaded by the learner and/or manager, and to have the practical module signed off by the learner and/or manager. This type of module can also require a score to be entered.</p> <strong>Upload SCORM or xAPI module</strong></p> With this option you can upload a .zip SCORM or xAPI file (created in an authoring tool or provided by another provider) into Breeio to create an eLearning module.</p> <strong>Upload a Video</strong></p> This option will allow you to upload an MP4 file the learner can watch.</p> <strong>Upload a File</strong></p> Occasionally, you may want to deliver a PowerPoint presentation or self-study guide PDF as a module rather than a resource. Do this when your training material has been carefully written for self-study.</p> <strong>Link to hosted AICC</strong></p> Use this option if you want to link to hosted AICC content using a URL.</p> <strong>Embed a Video</strong></p> With this option you can embed a video hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, etc</p> <strong>Add a Weblink</strong></p> Use this option if you want to link to hosted web content</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/adding-new-modules/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Creating an instructor-led module","Like any other type of module, an instructor-led module will sit inside a course and can be blended with other training opportunities (eg. e-learning, resources, practical activities, etc).</p> To add an Instructor-led module, go to the <strong>Content area</strong> and click on the <strong>Modules tab</strong>.</p> 1. Click on 'New Module'</p> <img src='/media/4r4fhexh/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Select the Create instructor-led option to open the module details page.</p> <img src='/media/b54huwgv/image.png' alt=''></p> 3. Enter a title for your instructor-led module (e.g. First Aid Half-day Refresher). This title will be re-usable, so it should not be time, place or date specific. It will appear on the calendar and can have many specific locations and times when you add events to your training calendar.</p> 4. You can enter a description and any additional information. This might include a summary of the content of the Instructor-led session.</p> <strong>Module description</strong> - this will appear as the description of the module on the course page.</p> <strong>Additional information</strong> - this will appear in the content area when creating an event. You can then add, edit, or delete this text when creating an event and it will appear to the learner on the event page.</p> 5. Browse to add an attachment. This could be some pre-reading or worksheets to complete for the event, for example.</p> 6. Tick the assessment box if there will be a score recorded for each attendee for this training event.</p> 7. Select your booking mode option:</p> <strong>Learners and Administrators can book</strong> - this will allow you to use the training calendar to create a new event for learners to book themselves on. Administrators and Group managers will also be able to assign learners to specific events.</p> <strong>Administrators only can book</strong> - this will allow you to use the training calendar to create a new event for Administrators and Group managers to assign learners to the events.</p> <p class='pullout'>Use the links below for help adding new events in the training calendar.</p> <strong>No booking calendar</strong>- this Instructor-led module is information only and will not have events associated with it. For example, it might indicate that the learner should contact their manager to request attendance, or contact L&amp;D for more information, or refer to a schedule of dates on another system (eg. your company intranet). This type of Instructor-led module will need to be completed by the Administrator in the Reporting area using the auto-complete function.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/fuld5iw3/image.png' alt=''></p> 8. Select Booking approval mode:</p> <strong>Learner can book, no approval</strong> - learners will be able to book themselves onto dates from the course page with the 'Book a date' button. No approval is needed.</p> <strong>Self certified by learner</strong> - learners will be able to book themselves onto dates, but will be asked to indicate they have the approval of their manager to do so.</p> <strong>Approved by manager</strong> - learners will be able to book onto dates, but this will be pending a manager's approval. Managers will see this request in their 'My Team area' and approve or reject the request. If Line Managers are used, then Line Managers would be responsible for approvals. Otherwise, it will be Group Managers and/or Administrators who would approve requests.</p> 9. Enter the estimated duration of the module.</p> 10. If you want to add version control to your module complete the details in the Review Summary module pane.</p> <img src='/media/fqafyxej/image.png' alt=''></p> <p class='pullout'><strong>Top tip </strong>- use this area when you make changes to a module so you can keep track of what the changes were and when they took place. </p> If you add a date in the 'Review date' field, it will appear in the 'Review date' column on the module summary page. The module will change to a<strong> bold </strong>format when the review date has been reached, this will help you to manage your workflow of reviewing content.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/creating-an-instructor-led-module/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Event waiting lists","When creating a new event you can enable the 'Waitlist' feature which will allow delegates to add themselves to a waiting list if the event they want to attend is full.</p> Tick the 'Use waitlist' box and select the maximum number of waitlist places:</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/tozesqvv/image.png' alt=''></p>  </p> When the maximum capacity has been reached delegates will be provided with a 'Join the waitlist' button. Once the number of delegates on the waiting list has reached the maximum, delegates will be advised the event is full.</p> <p style='text-align: center;'><img src='/media/04glhhnz/image.png' alt=''></p> <p style='text-align: left;'>Delegates will see their spot on the waiting list right on the event page, and it’ll be updated as they move up. They’ll also get an email to confirm they’re on the waiting list.</p> <p style='text-align: center;'> <img src='/media/rwsnco2y/image.png' alt=''></p> <p style='text-align: left;'>About an hour after a spot opens up (like when more places are added or someone cancels), the delegate at the top of the waiting list will be automatically booked for the event and will get a notification. Everyone else on the waiting list will move up, and they’ll receive an email to let them know. This also opens up a new spot on the waiting list for someone else.</p> <p style='text-align: left;'>Administrators can see the details of the waiting list by clicking on 'Open Waitlist' on the event page.</p> <p style='text-align: left;'><img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/m51k1cfc/image.png' alt=''></p> <p style='text-align: left;'>This opens the Waitlist to see a list of names and if required the delegates can be emailed and/or removed from this list.</p> <p style='text-align: left;'><img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/evwpbich/image.png' alt=''></p> <p style='text-align: left;'> </p> <p style='text-align: left;'>If there is a yellow triangle next to 'Open waitlist' it means a space has become available on the event and the waitlist is waiting to be processed (remember this will happen approximately one hour after a space becomes available).</p> <p style='text-align: left;'><img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/3hee2w5j/image.png' alt=''></p> <p style='text-align: left;'>When you click on 'Open waitlist' you will notice you have an additional button 'Process waitlist' - by clicking on this you will immediately add the delegate at the top of the list onto the event (this bypasses the one hour timeframe).</p> <p style='text-align: left;'><img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/qvdc4sqj/image.png' alt=''></p> <p style='text-align: left;'> </p> <p style='text-align: left;'><strong>Another great way the Waitlist feature can support you</strong></p> <p style='text-align: left;'>Obviously the feature itself is really helpful so you can maximise the capacity of your events, however, another great use is for you to see the number of delegates who want to attend and if possible you could look to increase the capacity of the event to accommodate those on the waiting list. By reviewing the list it might help you to understand the demand for the event and consider if you need to add more events to the Training calendar.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/event-waiting-lists/"LINE BREAK"Admin - Courses and resources","Certificates","Our certificates are standardised across courses, incorporating your company’s logo and color scheme to ensure a professional and consistent look.</p> <strong>Downloading Your Certificate</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>For Users</strong>: Once a course is completed, users can download their certificate directly from the <em>Course Completion</em> page.</li> </ul> <img src='/media/utbg1yr5/image.png' alt=''></p>  </p> <ul> <li><strong>For Admins</strong>: Administrators can access and download certificates from reports. Head to either the Course Breakdown report or the User Overview report. Click on the item and then on 'View Certificate'</li> </ul> <img src='/media/5oypf4uz/image.png' alt=''></p> <h4><img src='/media/czonslkd/image.png' alt=''></h4>  </p> You can also access the certificate from the Learning Log report – if there is a rosette it means the completion has a certificate and you can click on it to download the certificate.</p>  </p> <h6><img src='/media/efsb4eoy/image.png' alt=''></h6>  </p> <strong>How to upload a different Certificate for a User</strong></p> If you need to upload a different certificate for a user from an external provider, follow these steps:</p> <ol> <li>Go to <strong>Course Breakdown</strong> report or <strong>User Overview </strong>report</li> <li>Find and click on the relevant name or course </li> <li>Click on <strong>Upload Certificate</strong> and select the file you’d like to upload</li> </ol> <img src='/media/f5tkwrxt/image.png' alt=''></p> Once uploaded, the certificate will be available to the user on the Course Completion page for that specific course, where they can download it directly.</p> You can remove the certificate by clicking on the 'Remove custom certificate' button - the standard certificate will then be available in it's place.</p> <img src='/media/au2jovss/image.png' alt=''></p>  </p> <strong>Custom Certificates</strong></p> If you're interested in creating custom certificates with unique designs or special details, just reach out! We're here to help at support@acteoncommunication.com.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/admin-courses-and-resources/certificates/"LINE BREAK "User help","How do I log in?","Go to the Login page and enter your e-mail address (or other ID) and password in the appropriate boxes.</p> If we’ve worked together to set up single sign-on, you’ll see a 'Log in with Office 365' button. Just click it to get into your account.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/5tfdiftd/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/how-do-i-log-in/"LINE BREAK"User help","How do I change my email address?","You can change your email address by clicking on your profile icon:</p> <img src='/media/nowlhgnl/image.png' alt=''></p> Update your email address in the email address field and click on 'Save changes'.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/how-do-i-change-my-email-address/"LINE BREAK"User help","Forgotten your password?","If you have forgotten your password, go the to the Login page and click on 'Forgot password'. </p> <div><img src='/media/uzsjlhen/image.png' alt=''></div> Enter your e-mail address in the appropriate box and then click 'SUBMIT'. You will receive an e-mail message containing a link that will allow you to reset your password. You should receive this message within five minutes.</p> <div><img src='/media/dpzbvymz/image.png' alt=''></div> If your organisation has been set up to use Single Sign On you can use the 'Log in with Office 365' button to log into Breeio - you don't need to go through the password reset process.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/forgotten-your-password/"LINE BREAK"User help","How do I add something to my Learning Log?","The Learning Log is the place you record personal development and training activities that are not delivered or assigned through Breeio.</p> For example, you might read a book, attend a conference or see a helpful video online. Use the Learning Log to make a record of this learning event for later reference. All entries will become part of your Learning Record, along with completed Breeio course.</p> To add an entry:</p> 1. Click the 'Learning Log' icon</p> 2. Click on the 'Add new entry' button</p> 3. Complete the form with the details of the learning</p> <img src='/media/chpns0mb/image.png' alt=''></p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Title</strong></td> <td> Give the learning you did a title</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Date</strong></td> <td> Use the calendar to select a date you completed the training</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Number of hours</strong></td> <td> Use the drop-down menu to select the time spent on the learning activity</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Category</strong></td> <td> Use the menu to select the type of learning </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Description</strong></td> <td> You can use this field to add any further details about the learning you completed</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Weblink URL</strong></td> <td> If you have a web link you can paste it here for future reference</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Attachments</strong></td> <td> You can upload a file to go with this Learning Log entry e.g. a completed worksheet or scanned certificate</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Reflective</strong></td> <td> Depending on your organisations requirements you may be able to open some reflective questions to record what you learned, how it's related to your development, and how you will use the learning in the future.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 4. Click 'Post Learning Log'</p> The Learning Log entry will be added to your Learning Log where you can view your history, download a PDF copy, and see how much time you have spent learning in the year.</p> <img src='/media/xgqllgcx/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/how-do-i-add-something-to-my-learning-log/"LINE BREAK"User help","Manager approvals and sign offs","Some processes in Breeio will require a manager to approve or sign off.</p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Approvals</strong></td> <td> Approvals can be required when:</p> <ul> <li>a learner has requested to complete an optional course</li> <li>a learner would like to attend an Instructor-led module</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Sign-offs</strong></td> <td> A sign-off might be required on Practical modules.</p> The manager will go in and review the progress of a course, learner responses to questions, uploaded documents and will tick a box to confirm the module has been completed.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Depending on how the module has been created the approval and/or sign off might not be required by the manager either because an approval or sign-off isn't required or because the approval and sign off will be completed by the central administration team. The module could be set up so that after a Manager has approved or signed it off it will also go to the central administration team for them to approve or sign off too.</p> <strong>How will a Manager be notified that an approval or sign-off is required?</strong></p> The manager will be kept informed by a number of different ways: </p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Homepage</strong></td> <td><strong>Navigation menu</strong></td> <td> <strong>Email</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> At the bottom of the homepage, Managers will have a 'My Team' admin tile that will notify them how many approvals (which includes sign offs) are required.</p> <img src='/media/hb0hguij/image.png' alt=''></p> </td> <td> On the Navigation Menu there is a 'My Team' option which will provide the number of approvals (which includes sign offs) that are needed.</p> <img src='/media/qphd3cly/image.png' alt=''></p> </td> <td> Overnight a Manger will receive an email containing a list of any approvals and/sign offs that are outstanding. This email will only be triggered if there are any approvals/sign offs required.</p>  </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <strong>How does a Manager approve a request or sign off a practical module?</strong></p> 1. Click through to the 'My Teams' area. The screen might look different to the screenshot below - if you have a large team or are a central administrator the team list might be collapsed rather than listed in full.</p> <img src='/media/elanovly/image.png' alt=''></p> This screen is a useful screen for Managers not only for approvals and sign-offs but also because they can get an overview of the status of their team's training, download a matrix detailing completions on all courses, and access individual training records.</p> 2. To view an individual's approval click on 'approvals' on the row of the individual to open up their record, alternatively you can view all pending approvals by clicking on 'Open all' under the Approvals label.</p> 3. You will be presented with a list of approvals that require action. Click on the 'Approve' button to review the request where you will be able to approve or reject the request.</p> <img src='/media/t2fp2k1t/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Approving attendance to an Instructor-led event</strong></p> An Instructor-led event can be delivered across many different formats including face-to-face, webinars, Zoom, or MS Teams. In some organisations resource planning will be key when people will be unavailable for their normal duties when they attend training at a particular time and location, therefore the module might be set up for a Manager to authorise attendance.</p> <img src='/media/aqrni2ec/image.png' alt=''></p> You can add notes to the request and click either the 'Reject' or 'Approve' button depending on your decision. The requestor will receive an email confirming your decision and their Breeio account updated accordingly.</p> <strong>Signing off a Practical module</strong></p> A Practical module is a great way for the Learner to present evidence of their learning and/or abilities to the manager to confirm they are happy with the standard achieved.</p> There are a number of different elements to the practical sign off area and what is presented on screen will depend on how the module has been set up:</p> <table border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Notes</strong></td> <td> These are the instructions the learner received for the module - it will include any attachments they had as part of that.</p> <p style='text-align: center;'><img src='/media/o4flbo2g/image.png' alt=''></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Learner response</strong></td> <td> You can review the Learner's response - this will be dependent on how the module has been set up. In the example below the learner has been presented with a series of questions they have been required to answer.</p> <p style='text-align: center;'><img src='/media/ihmiaaod/image.png' alt=''></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Uploads</strong></td> <td> You can upload a document the learner can view from their Breeio account.</p> <p style='text-align: center;'><img src='/media/iclbwu4j/image.png' alt=''></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Course progress</strong></td> <td> The link takes you to a summary of the learners progress on the course - you can see if they have completed all elements, an activity log and download a PDF for your records.</p> <img src='/media/t2qltmad/image.png' alt=''></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Your notes</strong></td> <td> You can use this area to provide feedback to the learner - it will be visible in their Breeio account. Depending on how the module has been set up, you may or may not have questions to answer.</p> <img src='/media/duypxeym/image.png' alt=''></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Sign off</strong></td> <td> If you are satisfied with the learner you can tick the box to confirm the module has been completed.</p> If you would like the learner to complete some more work or re-think their responses you can click on the link 'Not ready for sign off, sent back [Learner name]'.</p> <img src='/media/wclpzgha/image.png' alt=''></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <strong>Approving a request for an Optional course</strong></p> When a course is assigned as optional the learner has the choice on whether they would like to complete it. If the learner would like to complete it they need to add it into their 'assigned' area and in some instances (depending on how the course has been set up) this requires their manager to approve for them to complete it.</p> <img src='/media/b2win1st/image.png' alt=''></p> You can add notes to the request and click either the 'Reject' or 'Approve' button depending on your decision. The requestor will receive an email confirming your decision and their Breeio updated accordingly.</p> <strong>Weekly reminder</strong></p> A weekly reminder email is sent overnight on a Sunday to Managers if they have any outstanding approvals and/or sign offs.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/manager-approvals-and-sign-offs/"LINE BREAK"User help","How can I change my password?","You can change your password by clicking on your profile icon and then on the 'Change Password' link.</p> <img src='/media/xkrnr4xu/image.png' alt=''></p> Enter your old password followed by your new password.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/how-can-i-change-my-password/"LINE BREAK"User help","Add/edit your profile image","As a user of Breeio, you can add a profile image. This may help people identify with you better as they can put a face to the name. In order to change/add a profile image, follow the below instructions:</p> <ol> <li>Log in to Breeio using your credentials</li> <li>Along the top, click 'Edit Profile' icon</li> <li>Under your name, click 'Edit Photo'</li> <li>Now you can select and save the photo you want to use</li> </ol> <img src='/media/zcgptinn/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/add-edit-your-profile-image/"LINE BREAK"User help","Issues with viewing content on Internet Browsers","If you are experiencing issues viewing course materials, please do get in touch with the support team. To enable us to help identify the problem we need as much information about your internet browser as possible, follow the instructions below to help you get this information.</p> 1. Click this link <a href='https://www.whatismybrowser.com'>https://www.whatismybrowser.com</a></p> The page will identify the browser being used and will advise if the browser is up to date. If the browser isn't up to date it's worth updating the browser to see if this resolves the problems you are experiencing.</p> <img src='/media/rdncqafh/image.png' alt=''></p> 2. Click on the 'copy URL to clipboard' button and open a new email.</p> 3. Paste the URL link into the text field of the email, along with your details and the organisation you work for. Provide an overview of the problem you are experiencing and attach an image of any error messages you get on screen.</p> The email address to send the email to is: <a href='mailto:support@acteoncommunication.com'>support@acteoncommunication.com</a></p> <img src='/media/aqwomsdx/image.png' alt=''></p> 4. The support team will investigate the issue and will be in contact to either ask further questions or to help you resolve the issue.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/issues-with-viewing-content-on-internet-browsers/"LINE BREAK"User help","How to delete temporary Internet files","<strong>Microsoft Edge</strong></p> Hold down the Ctrl, Shift, and Delete keys and you will see the following pop-up box.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/c0kbaqxg/image.png' alt=''></p> Make sure 'Browsing history' is ticked and 'All time' is selected for the time range. Press the 'clear now' button.</p> <strong>Internet Explorer</strong></p> Microsoft is no longer supporting Internet Explorer on certain versions of Windows 10 and encourages customers to move to Microsoft Edge. If you are using Internet Explorer hold down the Ctrl, Shift, and Delete keys and you will see the following pop-up box.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/1zdlf1f2/image.png' alt=''></p> Make sure 'Temporary Internet files' is ticked and press the delete button.</p> <strong>Google Chrome</strong></p> Hold down the Ctrl, Shift, and Delete keys and you will see the following pop-up box.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/ykomi4vc/image.png' alt=''></p> Make sure 'Browsing history' is ticked and set the time range to 'All time'. Press the 'Clear data' button.</p> <strong>Mozilla Firefox</strong></p> Hold down the Ctrl, Shift, and Delete keys and you will see the following pop-up box.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/mctjxfff/image.png' alt=''></p> Make sure 'Browsing &amp; Download History' is ticked and the time range is set to 'Everything'. Press the 'Clear now' button.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/how-to-delete-temporary-internet-files/"LINE BREAK"User help","Managing my team's objectives","Your organisation needs to have the Objectives feature switched on to have access to add and manage objectives. If the feature is switched on you will have an 'Objectives' icon on your  navigation bar.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/fbeei1pi/image.png' alt=''></p> As a manager you can use the objectives feature to manage your own objectives - see the Objectives help page for further help and to support your team members with their objectives.</p> Your team members can add their own objectives or you can add an objective for them - to view or add objectives go into the 'My Teams' area.</p> New objectives or objectives with a new comment will be highlighted in the objectives column - click into the individual record to view and manage the objective.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/3myj44kz/image.png' alt=''></p>  </p> From this page, you can 'Add a new objective' for the individual and click on an existing objective to review it and add your updates. <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/qiib334c/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Adding a new objective</strong></p> Click on New objective to give the objective a title and a due date. This will open a pop-up box to add further details about the objective you are setting.</p> As the Line Manager you have the option to 'track' the objective - this means only you will have the ability to 'assess and close' the objective. If you don't 'track' the objective the user will be able to 'assess and close' the objective. In both cases, you and the user can add comments, recommended learning, and courses to the objective.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/b4igu4ed/image.png' alt=''></p> <p class='pullout'> <strong>Top tip </strong>- remember to click on 'save' in each section to save your updates.</p> <strong>Reviewing progress </strong></p> The objective will be available to you and the user to review and add comments.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/pzmb5xxd/image.png' alt=''>A new comment will be highlighted - click on the objective to see the comment and add your own comment.</p> When the objective has been completed click the 'Assess and close' button to add details of the final assessment and closing comments. A user can do this if you choose not to 'track' the objective.</p>  </p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/zu3iuet3/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Archived objectives</strong></p> A closed objective will be archived overnight but you can still access it in the archived area. There is a re-open button if you or the user decide there is more work to do on the objective. </p>  </p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/managing-my-team-s-objectives/"LINE BREAK"User help","How to find the 'Help' features?","To get familiar with the platform you can click on the ? icon on the navigation bar, this will highlight and explain all the key features.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/howk1rnu/image.png' alt=''></p>  There are also some great 'Help' articles that you can find by clicking on the 'Help' option on from the menu. </p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/4k0a41hy/image.png' alt=''></p>  </p> There's also our IO Bot for quick help - you can either click into the options on the menu or if you can't find what you're looking for use the search field to ask IO Bot a question.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/3q4lqik4/image.png' alt=''></p>  </p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/spufyioq/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/how-to-find-the-help-features/"LINE BREAK"User help","How do I find my learning?","On your homepage there is a 'My courses' area where you can find the learning that has been assigned to you.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/uvoef253/image.png' alt=''></p> If a course is mandatory it will either appear in the 'Due soon' or 'Assigned' areas in deadline order:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Due soon</strong> - if it's due to be completed within the next 14 days</li> <li><strong>Assigned </strong>- if the target date is more than 14 days or the course doesn't have a target date</li> </ul> There are useful indicators to let you know if a course is overdue and the number of days you have left to complete it.</p> If a course is optional it will appear in the 'Recommended' area - you can choose to add these into your assigned area if you would like to complete it. See the Optional Courses help page.</p> If you want to re-visit a course you have already completed, head over to the 'Recently completed' and the courses will be available for you.</p> If you'd prefer to search for learning by categories, you can do this in the Catalogue by clicking on the 'Catalogue' icon.</p>  </p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/how-do-i-find-my-learning/"LINE BREAK"User help","Objectives","<p style='text-align: left;'>Your organisation needs to have the Objectives feature switched on to have access to add and manage objectives. If the feature is switched on you will have an 'Objectives' icon on your navigation bar.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/uzfdkapv/image.png' alt=''></p> <p style='text-align: left;'>To add or review objectives click on the icon which will open up the objectives page.</p> <p style='text-align: left;'><strong>Adding a new objective</strong></p> <p style='text-align: left;'>Click on New objective to give your objective a title and a due date. This will open a pop-up box to add further details about the objective you are setting.</p> <p style='text-align: left;'>You can search for courses using the drop-down menu - this will present courses that have already been assigned to you.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/0anbntgw/image.png' alt=''></p> <p class='pullout'> <strong>Top tip </strong>- remember to click on 'save' in each section to save your updates.</p> <strong>Reviewing progress </strong></p> The objective will be available to you and your manager to review and add comments.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/pzmb5xxd/image.png' alt=''></p> A new comment will be highlighted - click on the objective to see the comment and add your own comment.</p> Your manager may choose to track the objective - this means they will manage the progress and completion of the objective. If they choose not to track the objective you will have access to the 'Assess and close' button.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/g5bplwz3/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>Archived objectives</strong></p> A closed objective will be archived overnight but you can still access it in the archived area. If your manager didn't choose to track the objective you will be able to 're-open' the objective.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/vi1jvbtp/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/objectives/"LINE BREAK"User help","What are independent events and how to book onto one?","Independent events are events being run by your organisation that are not part of a course. Some examples might be ‘Lunch and Learn sessions’ or ‘company briefings’. They can be in-person, virtual or hybrid events.</p> These events can be found on the events page, and then simply click on the event tile to book your seat.</p> <img src='/media/e2obzlom/image.png' alt=''></p> The 'My Calendar' area will display <strong>all</strong> events you are booked onto.</p> The 'To Book' area will <strong>only</strong> display events that are linked to course, and you <strong>must</strong> book onto.</p>  </p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/what-are-independent-events-and-how-to-book-onto-one/"LINE BREAK"User help","How do I book onto an event?","If a course contains an event (either in-person, virtual or hybrid) you will be notified that you need to book on it via a notification on the homepage and on the course page.</p> From the homepage you can click on the yellow button to be taken to the dates available for the event(s) that require a booking.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/1nlnnt1m/image.png' alt=''></p> When you are on the course page you can click on the 'book a date' link to access the dates available for the event.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/crekaq42/image.png' alt=''></p> Click on the event you want to book.</p> <img src='/media/cxwldds5/image.png' alt=''></p> You will be provided with more information about the event including the number of seats available and you can use the button to book your seat. If the event is hybrid you will be provided with two booking buttons - one for an in-person seat and one for a virtual seat - just click on your preferred option to book your seat.</p> <img src='/media/5wvmgrpj/image.png' alt=''></p> <p class='pullout'>Depending on how the administrators have set up the course - your request to attend the event might need to be approved by your Manager or the administration team. If this is the case you will be advised your request has been sent for approval and you will receive an email to confirm the manager/administrators decision.</p> You will have confirmation on the course page that you are booked onto the event.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/p3la30sa/image.png' alt=''></p> You will also have a notification on your homepage of your booking and you can click on the calendar icon to download an Outlook appointment. You just need to click on 'save and close' and the appointment with all the details of the session.</p> <p class='pullout'>If there are subsequent changes made to the appointment by the system administrators this appointment <strong>will not</strong> automatically update in your calendar. You will be emailed if there are any changes so remember to go in and make the change to the appointment in your calendar.</p> <strong>Find events</strong></p> To view all the events that are available for you to book in one place, use the 'find events' link:</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/0wifuj0b/image.png' alt=''></p>  </p> If you have any events that you are required to book as part of a course, you will be taken directly to the 'To book' area:</p> <img src='/media/c5gjs5sb/image.png' alt=''></p> The 'My calendar' will take you to a calendar view of all the events you are booked onto.</p> The 'Find events' area will provide a list of all events (those linked to a course and independent) that are available for you to book on to.</p> <img src='/media/bs5atxtg/image.png' alt=''></p> Blue tiles are in-person sessions.</p> Green tiles are virtual sessions.</p> Teal tiles are hybrid sessions where you can pick an in-person seat or a virtual seat.</p> Just click on the tile to take you into the event to book your seat!</p> <strong>Cancelling your attendance</strong></p> Click into the booking either form the homepage or from the course page and you will be provided with instructions on how to cancel your attendance.</p>  </p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/how-do-i-book-onto-an-event/"LINE BREAK"User help","What is my Catalogue?","Depending on your organisation's system configuration will depend on the look of the catalogue but it's where you can find a full list of courses that you have been assigned to either mandatory or optionally.</p> The catalogue is generally split by course categories, making it really easy to navigate to a course that you need.</p> You can also use the 'sort by' list or the search field to refine your search criteria.</p> <strong>Top tip</strong> - if you want to just look at optional courses use the 'hide assigned' toggle to remove mandatory courses from the catalogue view.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/kecdeng5/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>My courses</strong> - will take you to the courses that have been assigned to you as mandatory and your completed courses.</p> <strong>Events</strong> - this will take you to all the events available for you to book.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/what-is-my-catalogue/"LINE BREAK"User help","Optional courses","When a course is created the administrator can assign it to users as either a mandatory or optional assignment.</p> Optional assignments are courses you don’t have to complete, but you might want to take them to help with your ongoing development.</p> <strong>Where can I find optional courses?</strong></p> You will find optional courses in the 'recommended' area on your homepage or in the catalogue section. They are identified with a + in the corner.</p> <strong><img src='/media/1m3jufk0/image.png' alt=''></strong></p> <strong>How can I access optional course?</strong></p> Click on the course tile to add the course into your assigned courses area.</p> Sometimes the course is set up so that your request requires approval from either your manager or the administration team or both. In these cases when you click on the course tile you will be required to complete a request form explaining why the course will be useful to your work and professional development.</p> <img src='/media/u1vd3x2o/image.png' alt=''></p> <strong>How will I know if my request has been approved?</strong></p> Your manager and/or the administration team will either 'approve' or 'reject' your request and you will receive an email detailing their response. If your request was approved the course will move into the assigned area on your homepage.</p> <strong>I no longer wish to complete an optional course, how do I remove it from my assigned courses?</strong></p> Click into the course and then on the 'remove' link. This will re-set your progress on the course, so make sure you are certain you no longer wish to continue with the course.</p> <strong><img src='/media/kchhnocn/image.png' alt=''></strong></p> If you change your mind, you can find the course in your recommended section or course catalogue. The approval process, if required will need to followed again.</p> <strong>I want to restart a completed optional course</strong></p> You can always review the content of a completed course by clicking on the course tile and accessing the content however if you would like to re-assign the course to yourself you can click on the 'restart' link.</p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/lzfdv0zk/image.png' alt=''></p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/optional-courses/"LINE BREAK"User help","Delegate my Team","There might be times when you need to delegate your Team to one of your colleagues - perhaps when you know you're going to be on leave or out of the business for a period of time.</p> In the My Teams area there is a 'Delegate my Team' link so you can temporarily pass your Team to a colleague - this will give them visibility of your Team's training progress, access to their learning log and reflective questions, comment and close objectives and to action any approvals/sign offs (classroom requests, optional course requests and practical sign offs).</p> Click on the 'Delegate my team' link to open a list of users that are available for you to select. When you have selected the user you want to delegate your team to click on the 'Delegate' button.</p> The list of users available for you to delegate to is dependent on the setting your organisation has requested - it could be restricted to just your team members, to members of the groups you sit in within the organisation structure or all users. </p> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src='/media/ndbphipt/image.png' alt=''>When you have delegated your team you will have the following message on screen:<img src='/media/kaupqynr/image.png' alt=''></p> When you are back simply click the 'Revert' button and your team will be back to you.</p> The System Administrators are able to view in your profile that your team has been delegated to another user and are able to cancel the delegation.</p>","https://www.breeio.com/user-help/delegate-my-team/"LINE BREAK