10 July 2020

Delight colleagues – provide continuous learning opportunities without excessive cost

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The best of both worlds with your LMS

Do you sometimes feel as if you’re performing a balancing act between quality learning opportunities and cost?

On the one hand, you want to give employees the best possible learning experience, that’s both enjoyable and valuable for them. On the other hand, however, you have to make sure senior managers are happy with the bottom line.

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, L&D professionals are investing more than ever in virtual alternatives to face-to-face training. A Fosway report revealed that 45% of L&D professionals are increasing their spend on digital learning content, and 30% on digital learning platforms, while expenditure on external and internal training events has decreased by 50% and 35% respectively. As the future of L&D moves online, getting learning at an affordable cost is essential.

Using an LMS to deliver learning is a simple way to balance these two things, and delight both sets of your colleagues. Being able to distribute continuous learning opportunities without excessive cost, you’re bound to keep all parties happy with your decisions.

A host of benefits for employees

When employees have 24-hour access to a library of courses that can be kept updated with the latest content, the power to learn is placed in their hands. With an LMS people can learn flexibly, opting to work at times and on platforms that suit them: and when 64% of learners think that being able to use their mobile to access training content is essential, offering it is sure to be appreciated. Employees gain choices over when and where they learn.

For managers, there is also the benefit of increased completion rates for courses, with reduced intervention. According to an Emerald Works report, 74% of learners say they’re happy to learn online without prompting. By making learning accessible through an LMS, people are inspired to further their skillset with their own two hands.

Lower costs, higher productivity

While keeping employees happy with quality content, e-learning also offers senior managers a lower price tag than traditional learning. According to one study, at least 42% of companies believe e-learning helps to lower their bottom line - the same article reveals that every dollar invested into it results in a staggering $30 of increased productivity!

Incorporating online learning into your learning mix can help reduce corporate training costs across the board. From lowering the cost of travel and booking facilities, to reducing employee time spent away from work, a good LMS will deliver great return on investment, as courses can be taken by learners in many different locations and at any time.

In recent times, of course, with the necessity for remote working during the Covid-19 pandemic, the ability to provide flexible ways to keep learning going without face-to-face contact have been essential.

Empower your employees

Empowering your staff is very important for creating and maintaining a positive work culture, and an LMS can help L&D professionals become enablers for the workforce to take learning into their own hands, whilst also appearing as cost-effective heroes in the eyes of the C-suite by avoiding excessive spending.

That’s not all your LMS can do for L&D, though: check out our latest whitepaper, ‘6 ways an LMS can help L&D shine,’ here!